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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Monthly Recap: November 2018


So this month was the month of audio books because my eyes decided to raise its middle finger to all the eye drops I've been prescribed. I was also taken off a medication that wasn't supposed to help with my eyes in any way, shape or form but the placebo effect is strong with this one. 

Having kind of ruled out allergies my doctor has sent me off to an ophthalmologist. At least this time I have a paper stating everything that's been going on and the eye doctor can't tell me and I quote "Your eyes are like that because you're having an allergic reaction to something. When you stop coming into contact with whatever it is that's causing this reaction it'll stop." That was the first time in my adult life that I had to tamp down on the urge to scream "no, duh!" in an adult mans face. 

I'm just really looking forward to finding out what's wrong and how to fix/manage it so I can read actual words on a page for more than a minute without my eyes burning. Also wearing makeup. I really miss makeup!

Books I Read & Listened
To In November

  • Merciless By Sybil Bartel - This was such a good book! I loved seeing characters from this author's other novels coming together to help out a fellow comrade. I like seeing the family dynamic all these grown men have with men they served with in the military. (My review is live here!)
  • Witchblade (2017) #9 - The art style continues to be great and the story is finally moving along at a slightly faster pace. (My review is live here!)
  • I'm Fine...and Other Lies By Whitney Cummings - I first found out about this book because it was nominated in the Goodreads 2017 awards in the Humor category. Before that, I have no idea who Whitney Cummings was or what she did for a living. What pulled me into wanting to read this book was the title. (Full review coming soon!)
  • Moon Severed By Jennifer Snyder - This series is slowly starting to get better, but it's still barely averaging out as what I would consider a 3 star story.  (Full review coming soon!)
Books I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On In December
* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.


Reckless |



Here's What Happened On This Blog In November

I rambled on about the following topics:

I reviewed the following books & audio books:

I participated in the Top Ten Tuesday Meme:
Awesome Posts I Came Across In November

    What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
    Let me know in the comments below!

    Mikky Sig 2


    1. It's comments like your doctor made, which deter me from seeking medical advice for non life threatening things. I hope you can get some relief soon.

      1. Oh yeah totally! It took over 2 years for my eyes to bother me enough (to where they were almost swelling shut somedays) for me to actively try and figure out what's wrong. It's gotten to a point where if a doctor told me that today I would look for another until I find someone who takes me seriously enough to try and figure out what the heck is going on. Also, if it were something else on my body that I could avoid looking into I would. Going to doctors to be poked and prodded isn't fun :/


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