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Friday, November 23, 2018

My Ramblings: Literature Map & Its Usefulness

Literature Map & Its Usefulness

So I was browsing Twitter or Facebook the other day as you do when you're avoiding your massive TBR pile and the stink eye your Kindle is giving you and I came across an authors post about a bookish website that has proven to be so good. I hate that I don't remember who it was to give credit! It's called Literature Map and it works well in pointing me to new authors based on my fangirling over other authors.

I've looked up a few authors I really enjoy and there's quite a bit of overlap with books by authors I've read in past and enjoyed. It isn't perfect but it's easier than going through Amazon's and Goodreads recommendations (which are hit and miss for the most part). 

The concept for this website is so fun and bookish to me! I wish I had thought up and executed this useful bookish tool. I'm just here screaming into the abyss about how I need the currently reading section of Goodreads to have a place to put in the hours in your audio book (so you can write an update and not have it read 0 out of X pages) and half stars!

Have you heard of Literature Map?
Do you find it useful?
Let's discuss in the comments below!


  1. I had never heard of it, but I just went and did a search and clicked around a bit. The connections were pretty good (for the ones I knew).

    1. That's great! I'm hoping it'll cut down the time I spend looking for books to read that are similar to the authors I've already read :)


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