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Saturday, August 30, 2014

I Won An Award!

Hiya My Little Predators!!

I'm happy to announce that I won a virtual award!!
(The Leibster Award)

Heck Yes!!

-cue dance music here-

First of all I'd like to thank Anna over at Enchanted By YA for the nomination!!

But let me explain that a little more C:

A few days (weeks?) ago I got an awesome comment on one of my posts telling me I'd been nominated for an award. To say I was surprised was really only the tip of the ice berg. I've been keeping a blog and reviewing books for a little more then a year now and I never expected to get anything from it except a few ARC's and a friend or two that shared my love for the written word.

So after I got over the shock I went ahead and stalked the person that nominated me (that means you Anna (over at Enchanted By YA)). Her post was very enlightening to what this award actually meant.

Here's how Anna defined this award:

"I found out that rather than being like an actual award or prize, it is kind of like a chain letter that goes over the internet from blogger to blogger as a way of spreading the word of these new blogs. I also found out that if you receive a nomination and choose to accept (which not everyone does) it basically means you've won it!"

Just because this is a, as Anna put it, "chain letter sort of award" there are some rules. To accept this award you need to complete the following:

1. Link & Thank the blogger that nominated you.
2. Answer 11 questions the nominee asked in their post.
3. Pick 11 bloggers with no more then 200 followers to nominate
4. Ask the nominee's 11 questions and let them know you nominated them!

My Pick Of Nominees:

Whitney @ Shooting Stars Reviews

I'm going to cheat....hehe

I don't talk to many Book Bloggers and with my new job it's only going to get worse from here. I also have realized that I follow a lot of 'well known' bloggers (+600 followers. That conclusion coming from the list of email subscriptions I reviewed trying to nominate bloggers for this post...)

My 11 Questions for YOU:
  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What was the last time you 1 stared a book and why?
  3. For a book to be consider a 5 stared read to you, what should it contain?
  4. Are you a neat freak when it comes to your books? If so, how?
  5. Have you attended/do you wish to attend any book event (EX: BEA, Chapter By Chapter Book Rave this September, etc.)
  6. After you finish a book, do you write the review straight away or do you wait and "gather your thoughts" before starting to write?
  7. Top 5 favorite book covers?
  8. Any book turn-offs?
  9. You can have any book character come alive. Which one do you choose?
  10. Do you have a favorite author? If so, who?
  11. Did I leave a question you wanted to answer out? Make up your own and answer it here C:
My Answers as follows:

1) Why did you start blogging?

I inadvertently answered this in my introduction...oops =]

My addiction to books started in 2007/2008. It was a way to escape (since I had just moved to Brazil). After stalking a few blogs and getting to know the book nerd ways I came across bloggers talking about advanced copies of books I was dying to read, but that would only come out in the next few months. I then went to publishers, but was constantly turned down because I didn't have any way of getting the word out if they granted me an ARC. I didn't have a blog, followers and I didn't review at a consistent pace. Last year I finally got the courage to start my blog and it's been awesome ever since.

2) What's your favorite experience related to blogging so far?

Reviewing books. I know I'm only one person and maybe my reviews don't matter to everyone and they probably won't change the world, but if I can get just one person hooked on a book because of something I said in a review, I'd say my work is done C:

3) What is/are your favorite book blog(s)? Excluding Enchanted by YA of course ;)

The first book blog I came across and loved right away was YA Reads. I also follow Scribbler Skye and Mostly YA Book Obsessed

4) What's your favorite book(s) so far this year?

I read it a few weeks ago and my review will be up in a few more weeks for a review tour I'm doing for the book! I totally recommend it to anyone who likes a story with a little mythology, romance, action and suspense!

5) What's your favorite book/series OF ALL TIME?

I don't believe in a favorite book/series/anything of all time. My tastes as constantly changing on a weekly bases if not daily...LOL 

6) If you were shipwrecked on a desert island which 1 series would you want with you?

Even though it's not complete yet, I feel that the probability of me getting bored with a book for each character of the book with different plot twist every few pages would be diminished by at least 30%.

7) Any book turn-offs?

- Pregnant woman as the main character. (I have NOTHING against them, but a pregnant woman in a book whines too much and gets on my nerves way to easily)

- Insta-love.

- Badly designed (in my opinion) book covers. (Let's face it, it may be the BEST story in the world, odds are, if someone you trust didn't recommend you that specific book it would be VERY unlikely that you'd pick it up because the cover just doesn't call to you.)

- An almost there, but not quite ending. (If you've read the Darkness Rising Series By Kelley Armstrong you know what I mean. It's like she wants to leave the story on hold because she plans to add to it in 10 or 30 years. Well look how that turned out for the Vampire Diaries Book Series...I still can't get over the horror that added on 4th book was -shudders-)

- Names with a spelling I don't actually know how to pronounce. (& every time I come across it in the book I need to stop rationalizing the story and start pronouncing said name differently every time I encounter it.)

If you want more I also loved Diana's Top Ten book Turn Offs list and I agree with them all C:

8) What do you eat while blogging/reading?

I don't eat while reading or blogging. I heard the 'thing' is to drink tea or coffee, well I don't have that luxury. I read mostly on my iPad and I'm VERY neat when it comes to my technology (iPad, eReader, iPhone and my iMac). So I will not risk damaging, dirtying or staining them. That also includes the few physical books I own as well. That's also as far as my OCD with cleanliness extends to C:

9) If you lived in a book and could have the love interest for yourself with the female protagonist out the way, what book and who would you choose?
I'd chose Ilyan from Rebecca Ethington's Imdalind Series. It was my top read in 2013. I fell in love with the series and I, again, totally recommend it!

Just so you can picture Ilyan, he looks like Chris Hemsworth/Thor (as I like to think of him LOL).

10) Is there a character you love to hate in a book?

In a book, not that I can remember at the moment. In a TV Series (I've recently given this some thought with my friend), it would be Crowley from Supernatural. He's the villain that you love because he's a villain. Something else I'd recommend you watching C:

11) Do you read books more than once?

Normally, no. But it has been happening a lot to me recently:

- Significance By Shelly Crane
- Seven Years By Dannika Dark
- Chamaleon By Kally Oram
- Branded By Abi Ketner & Missy Kalicicki
- Paranormalcy By Kiersten White
- Meridian By Amber Kizer
- Easy By Tammara Webber

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