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Friday, November 30, 2018

My Ramblings: How Have My Reviews Evolved

How Have My Reviews Evolved
Over The Last 5 Years

Have my reviews evolved for the better or worse? Honestly, it depends on what day you ask me that question. I recognize I've gotten through a few phases in my review writing journey, but who's to say one is better than the other or that this phase is the 'best' phase?

I vividly remember when I was starting out how out of my depth I felt while trying to put my thoughts into words and second-guessing everything I wrote. It's been 5 years and sometimes this still happens. 

I went through a quotes phase where I put a two-line quote (to act as a character description) under a paragraph that was talking about that specific character. Someone harshly pointed out how not-a-review those were so I stopped right after that. The thing is, I only started doing it because I saw a few other bloggers doing it and found that it enhanced the review and pulled me into their thoughts more.

I also went through a heavy fangirling phase. I don't know if those reviews were even coherent in explaining anything about the book other than I-loved-it-so-you-should-too. I think that was when I was most carefree in my reviewing journey.

Nowadays I make an effort to have a more clinical eye to the stories I read. I like to explain how I felt things went in the story and conclude with a statement about how everything ended. I like to think that I inform the reader about non-spoilery details about the book and let them decide if they want to go through what I went through or if they'd rather pass.

How have you evolved in writing reviews?
Do you have phases in your writing journey?
I'd love to know about it all in the comments below!


  1. I don't think I will ever be the literary analysis type reviewer. I usually just talk about things I liked and how it made me feel, because I hate spoilers. I did laugh a little, when I read the beginning of this, because sometimes, I re-read old reviews, and I think they sound so much better than my current reviews.

    1. Literary analysis reviews are the reviews that I find more fascinating because it's something I strive for but don't think I will ever become. I also enjoy reviews about what aspects of the story the person liked and why that is. In conclusion, I try to read a whole slew of reviews before ever picking up a book and reading them in different styles and perspectives makes it easier to tell if I'll like the story or not. That last statement is SO accurate! We're our worst critic after all :)


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