Half a year has officially flown by and I have no idea where June went! I swear I was ahead of my reading in the first fifteen days of June but then I wasn't...? June was a strange month. It felt like something was weighing me down. Even doing yoga and reading wasn't making it better. Maybe I'm in a funk and I haven't even realized it yet. Here's to a better and more productive July!
Books I Read & Listened
To In June
- When Fate Aligns By A. K. Koonce - This book has been on my TBR pile for years and I'm SO sorry I didn't get to it earlier! (My review here)
- Witchblade #14 By Caitlin Kittredge - This was great but it's getting to a point where I'll need to do some re-reading if I want to keep up with what's happening because these are so short and only get released once a month. (My review here)
- Wolf Rain By Nalini Singh - I adore the world this author has created and that's coming from someone who has only read two books in the series. (Review coming soon!)
- Willing Captive By Belle Aurora - What the heck was this novel! I was expecting something much more action packed and overall entertaining. (Review coming soon!)
- Moonstruck By Dannika Dark - The writing and the overall pacing of the story were amazing. Would I have liked a little more Christian and Raven witty banter? Sure, but I'm happy with what I got either way! (My review here!)
Books I Can't Wait To Get
My Hands On In July
* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.
Here's What Happened On
This Blog In June
I participated in the Top Ten Tuesday Meme:
- Books From My Favorite Genre
- Unpopular Bookish Opinions
- Most Anticipated Releases of the Second Half of 2019
- Books On My Summer 2019 TBR
I reviewed the following books & audio books:
- Fearless By Sybil Bartel ★★★★
- Cursed Souls By Anya J. Cosgrove ★★★★★
- Sin & Salvation By K. F. Breene ★★★☆☆
- When Fate Aligns By A. K. Koonce ★★★★☆
What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!

Hope you get back to feeling like yourself quickly and get to enjoy your July!