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Saturday, June 2, 2018

Monthly Wrap-Up: May 2018


May was a much better month for me! Medical issues aside, I'm finally feeling myself being pulled towards books again! I've been in an off and on reading slump for months now. Every book I've been reading for the past few months was me, to some extent, pushing through it. I hope this continues on in the weeks to come!

Books I Read & Listened To In May

  • Wolves And Roses By Christina Bauer -  This was an unpleasant journey for many many reasons. Though it was a very interesting concept, this book is a whole other bag of worms. 
  • Moon Kissed By Jennifer Snyder - Had I bothered to read a few reviews of this book before I got it things would have ended better. I had high hopes for this one too :/

    Books I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On In June
    * Book titles are linked to Goodreads.

    Burning Bright |


    False Security | Pull You Through |

    Possibly Releasing in June:

    Everlasting Violet |

    Here's What Happened On This Blog In May

    I rambled on about the following topics and did a book tag:

    I reviewed the following books & audio books:

    I participated in the Top Ten Tuesday Meme:

    Awesome Posts I Came Across In May

    What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
    Let me know in the comments below!

    Mikky Sig 2


    1. I hope you have a really great reading month in June. I spend a lot of time in the summer reading in the pool, so I feel like I'll get a lot read. *fingers crossed* they are good ones! I'm glad to hear you are feeling better.


      1. Fingers crossed for both of us to have a stellar reading month in June! Reading by the pool sounds so relaxing :)

    2. Glad you are getting out of your slump funk. Yeah! I have only read the Hard Ink books by Kaye, and like the series. Sorry the book you read was a mess. =/

      1. So am I! Reading slumps are so annoying! I'm hoping the Laura Kaye book was a once in a series fluke. I'm still planning to pick up the next book in the series and see how I feel about it from there. The writing style was good and even though the pacing was slow it's something I can deal with if I like the characters enough :)


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