This tag was originally created by Life of a Female Bibliophile. This seemed like a fun post until I took the time to format everything. Fifty questions is a lot. So I hope you enjoy!
1. What was the last book you read?
2. Was it a good one?
The overall concept of the story was very interesting, but I wouldn't describe it as good.
4. Would you recommend it to other people?
Unfortunately, no.
5. How often do you read?
At least once a day. Even if it's just 5 or 10 minutes.
6. Do you like to read?
I have a blog dedicated to books. It's safe to say the answer will always be 'yes'!
7.What was the last bad book you read?
8. What made you dislike it?
The writing style was too slow and longwinded for my taste.
9. Do you wish to be a writer?
Yes and no. The answer to this question can get quite long, so I'll try to sum it up. As much as I love writing I just don't have the patience or am in the mindset to write an actual book. I even struggle to come up with ideas for the weekly 'My Ramblings' posts on this blog on some weeks. For me to be happy with what I write I need to be in a specific mindset and on some days it's hard to get there.
10. Has any book influenced you greatly?
Yes. Every book influences me in one way or another. Some in small ways, others in bigger ways with lasting effects. The latest book that had me quoting excerpts to people was Mark Manson's 'The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck".
11. Do you read fan fiction?
No. I have nothing against them, but it's not something I ever got into.
12. Do you write fan fiction?
No. I never felt strongly enough about a certain set of characters to imagine up a story involving them that would merit writing it down.
13. What’s your favorite book?
There's no such thing as having one favorite book to me. I could probably come up with a top 10 or 20 list of books in a specific genre, but even that would be difficult.
14. What’s your least favorite book?
There are too many to count.
15. Do you prefer physical books or read on a device (like a kindle)?
I love physical books, but it's just easier and cheaper for me to read ebooks. I eventually got used to reading on a screen.
16. When did you learn to read?
I don't remember. It was pretty early on. My mom used to read fairy tales to me when I was a child, so my love of reading was encouraged since I was very young.
17. What is your favorite book you had to read in school?
There was a brazilian classic that I liked its overall storyline (how everything was worded made it hard to get into though) called Dom Casmurro By Machado de Assis. I wouldn't willingly reread it today, but I do remember it being one of the more entertaining of all the classics that I was obligated to read.
18. What is your favorite book series?
I can't pick a favorite!
19. Who is your favorite author?
I don't have a favorite!
20. What is your favorite genre?
Paranormal Romance C:
21. Who is your favorite character in a book series?
I can't pick a favorite!
22. Has a book ever transported you somewhere else?
Always! Nowadays I read to get away from my reality. I look forward to being transported to another city/country/land/universe.
23.Which book do you wish had a sequel?
Bound To You By Alyssa Brandon
I didn't necessarily adore this novel, but it ended in a way that felt like a huge chunk of the story was missing. It also made two other pack mates very prominent throughout the story which made me think the author was setting up a follow up standalone book and make this a series. Try as I might I haven't found any information on if this book will become a series or not. The way the author ended this novel just left me very confused and I'd like an ending to the overall storyline this novel started.

Image linked to Goodreads
24. Which book do you wish DIDN'T have a sequel?
This book was amazing and very well written, but its sequel was a big disappointment and that's coming from someone who hates cliffhanger endings (which Book #1 did have).
You can check out my DNF mini review for Book #2 on Goodreads.

Image linked to my review
25. How long does it take you to read a book?
This depends on how much time I have during the day and how much I want to finish the novel. This process could take anywhere from two days to two months.
26. Do you like when books become movies?
Yes and no. I love the IDEA of a book becoming a movie, but I don't like most of them. The Mortal Instruments movie and the Fallen movie were horrible in my opinion. I like the TV shows that come from books much more like The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, etc.
27. Which book was ruined by its movie adaptation?
The Mortal Instruments books by Cassandra Clare really lost their shine for me when the movie came out. Though I am enjoying the Shadowhunters tv show that it's based on, so this could change in the future.
28. Which movie has done a book justice?
The Secret Garden movie and (from what I hear) The Hunger Games movies.
29. Do you read newspapers?
No. I usually get my news from Youtube from the TYT Network, The Philip Defranco Show and a few others here and there.
30: Do you read magazines?
I haven't for quite a few years now.
31. Do you prefer newspapers or magazines?
If I had to pick, I prefer magazines. Newspapers get ink all over everything.
32. Do you read while in bed?
Of course!
33. Do you read while on the toilet?
Guity >.<
34. Do you read while in the car?
I learned the hard way that I get motion sick if I read in moving vehicles. Never again!
35. Do you read while in the bath?
Nope. I'm too much of a klutz. I don't want to risk the wellbeing of the few physical books that I have and my iPad.
36. Are you a fast reader?
37. Are you a slow reader?
Yes ....
38. Where is your favorite place to read?
I don't have one. As long as I have a nice spot to sit and everything is relatively quiet I can read anywhere.
39. Is it hard for you to concentrate while you read?
Depends on how engrossed I am in the book. There have been times when I was so into a story that my mom had to tug on my arm to get my attention after she called my name several times. There have also been times when the sound of the wind blowing against my window has bothered me enough to make it impossible for me to read.
40. Do you need a room to be silent while you read?
I like complete silence, but it isn't a must.
41. Who gave you your love for reading?
My parents. My mom started it off when she read to me as a child. My dad pushed me in that direction with his 'when I was young' stories about his 'reading adventures'. My love of reading eventually stuck.
42. What book is next on your list to read?
I have no idea. I'm a mood reader, so it doesn't matter if I plan out the books I have to read for the week because I know that if obligate myself to pick up a book that I'm not feeling up to reading at the moment that it'll make me miserable and push me into a reading slump.
43. When did you start to read chapter books?
My earliest memory of reading chapter books I think would probably be in the fourth grade. Could have been earlier or later than that though.
44. Who is your favorite children’s book author?
Don't have one. Can you tell it's a thing with me? I can't pick favorites!
45. Which author would you most want to interview?
I've thought about this so much, but I can never decide what to ask and who to ask it to.
46. Which author do you think you’d be friends with?
That's a hard question to answer. I'd like to think I'd hit it off with Pippa DaCosta, but I'd probably be an incoherent fangirl and make a fool out of myself in front of her. So I don't know if I would have friend potential C;
47. What book have you reread the most?
Here are a few of them:
48. Which books do you consider “classics”?
Depends on the genre.
In the Urban Fantasy Vampire Genre:
Images linked to my review
In the New Adult Contemporary Genre:

Image linked to my review
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In the New Adult Contemporary Genre:

Image linked to my review
49. Which books do you think should be taught in every school?
I can't answer this because I mainly read books in the romance genre. I don't necessarily think that books in that genre have an obligation to be taught in schools because I only read them as a hobby.
50. Which books should be banned from all schools?
I can't answer this as well because I mainly read books in the romance genre. I don't necessarily think that there are books in this genre that should be specifically banned in schools. I'm a firm believer in you should read whatever the heck you want, as long as you're not hurting yourself or others what's the problem?
What books do you consider classics in a specific genre?
Let me know in the comments below!
I am with you. I could never pick a favorite book. I usually get around that by giving my "recent favorites". I also agree that the TMI movie was not very good. I have no idea why they made the choices they did.
ReplyDeletePicking recent favorites is just as hard! It's hopeless! I can't even begin to describe how I feel about the TMI movie. On a positive note, the Shadowhunters tv show (in my opinion) are doing wonders for the books! :)