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Friday, November 1, 2019

Monthly Recap: October 2019


October is the most awaited month of the year for me! For someone who tried her best to dress witchy and dark all year round October makes me feel that there's an actual reason for it! I like to think that but Halloween isn't very popular in Brazil. At least in my small town trick or treating was never a thing and dressing up isn't something people do here. It could be different in other much bigger cities but I don't know for sure. Though, for the first time in all the years I've lived in this town, there's an actual haunted house type of attraction in the mall! I took some photos in front of it to make sure I wasn't hallucinating it but you won't catch me going inside it. I have enough things that scare me I don't need to add to that list. I hope you had an awesome Halloween! Here's to a great November!

Books I Read & Listened
To In October

  • Wicked Thorne By Kim Loraine - I wasn't expecting to like this as much as I did! I really enjoy this author's writing style and I can't explain what it is or why. (My review is live here!)
  • The Quarterback Alpha By Emma Wolfe - I have SO many questions. First of all, what the heck did I just read because it sure as heck wasn't an academy novel or a paranormal romance novel. (My review coming soon!)
  • Defending Chloe By Susan Stoker - I'll be honest and say that as much as I loved this book I skimmed through quite a bit of it. I know, I know! I'm a bad bad book dragon and I should be shamed but hear me out! (My review is live here!)
  • Bear's Protected By Layla Silver - If this had been a full-length novel it would have rocked my socks off. This novella had SO much potential! (My review coming soon!)
  • Spartan Heart By Jennifer Estep - If you only knew how much I wanted to adore this novel! I wanted to like it so much that I gave it a shot in two different formats and two years apart from each other because I initially DNFed this as an eARC in 2017. (My review coming soon!)
Books I Can't Wait To Get
My Hands On In November

* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.
Here's What Happened On
This Blog In October

I participated in the Top Ten Tuesday Meme:

I reviewed the following books & audio books:

What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!

Mikky Sig 2


  1. Great post, Mikky. Halloween is over far too early: Christmas ads are already playing on the radio & TV! I'm not very brave when it comes to scary these days either 😘

    I'm surprised that you didn't like Born in Fire, I've started the series this month as part of a reading challenge. I'm interested to know what didn't work for you.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend. X

    1. Thanks! Tell me about it! It's worse in Brazil because the culture isn't about celebrating Halloween and trick or treating, so Christmas everything is on the shelf by the middle of October.

      I think my problem with Born In Fire is more of a me thing instead of an actual problem with the book. I think me and the author's writing style for this trilogy just don't mesh well. My review for Born In Fire went up this week with the review for book #2 coming at the end of November/early December (if things don't change).

      Have an awesome weekend too!


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