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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’d Give Different Titles To

Hiya My Little Predators!!

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A weekly feature created By The Broke And The Bookish
Currently featured on That Artsy Reader Girl

Books I’d Give Different Titles To
* Covers linked to Goodreads

Warrior Fae Trapped
(Warrior Fae #1)
By K. F. Breene

Maybe it's a pet peeve of mine but I dislike it when the books have the series in its name. This book is supposed to be part of a mini-series in a bigger universe the author created entitled Warrior Fae because the heroine is one. I think there could have been more thought put into it.

Do You Like My Wiener?:
A non-expert's no-nonsense
guide to dating
By Brenda Rothert

I got played by the first part of this title! It makes this book out to be something that it isn't. I was just plain annoyed by it when I finished this novel.

Forever Stardust
(Tangled Realms #2)
By Jessica Sorensen

It's a beautiful title but it has very little to do or reflect from the story and that doesn't sit well with me. It's another one of those pesky pet peeves I seem to have that rear their ugly heads from time to time.

Protecting her Six
(Men of Elite Securities #1)
By Trinity Rose

In the era of reverse harem that we are currently living in, I think that this novel reflects what it isn't from that title. It would benefit from a change in title and an upgraded cover if you ask me.

What book title would you change?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. Great list! I'm not a fan of books that have the series name in their title, either.

  2. Agreed that the series shouldn't be in the title. It should be a subtitle if you're interested in continuing the story line. https://pmprescott.blogspot.com/

    1. Exactly! It just makes it confusing! Specially with publishers who don't like to put series and book numbers anywhere on the books. Would it hurt them to help me out so I don't mistakenly start a 10 book series on #8? :/

  3. I like titles to match the story too. Forever Stardust is a cool title but not if it doesn't reflect the story.

    1. It seems to be something quite a few people prefer in their book titles! If only publishers would actually listen to us :)


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