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Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Character Traits I Love

Hiya My Little Predators!!

Welcome back to:
A weekly feature created By The Broke And The Bookish
Currently featured on That Artsy Reader Girl

Character Traits I Love

1. Becoming strong no matter the circumstances they find themselves in.

2. Being protective, to a reasonable degree, of the people they love.

3. Not always being strong. Showing the readers that it's okay to not be okay and to let it out every once in a while. We're humans, not robots. We have feelings, regardless of your gender. Showing emotion is not a weakness.

4. Being loyal to their family (blooded or not) and friends. 

5. Being persistent, to a reasonable degree, to get whatever mission they have done.

6. I also love it when a character is decisive! It's very frustrating to me when they don't know what they want. Just make a choice and live with it. It's how all the rest of us life why do you have to be the exception?!

7. Sense of humor and love of sarcasm are a must!

8. A charming character is also very interesting to read about.

What's your favorite trait in a character?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. Great list! I love characters who aren't afraid to show their emotions - especially if it's not expected of them. One of the reasons I loved the characters in The Lies of Locke Lamora so much was because they weren't afraid to cry when their friends were hurt despite being some of the city's most dangerous thieves.

    1. Exactly! We're all human! A big part of what we are is emotion based. Why not have character's be like that too? :)

  2. 3 and 4 are big ones for me. So true- it's okay to NOT always have it together. And a sense of humor is huge too. :)

    1. Who realistically always has it together? I'd love to meet that person and get some tips while Im at it :)


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