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Thursday, August 1, 2019

Monthly Recap: July 2019


July was a quiet month and I'm so thankful for that! That doesn't mean things didn't go wrong but they were dealt with and the world surprised me by continuing to move forward. I got quite a bit of reading done throughout the month! These monthly recaps make me a more productive reader it seems. Or maybe it just holds me accountable to how few or how many books I read so my anxiety can decide if it wants to kick in or not :) 

Books I Read & Listened
To In July

  • Teen Titans: Raven By Kami Garcia -  Raven has always been a fascinating character in the Teen Titans franchise to me. I love seeing the different renditions of her in different novels and tv shows. (My review here)
  • Bloodfire By Helen Harper - This book and I go way back. When I say "way back" I actually mean over 3 years. (My review coming soon!)
  • Bearly Tamed By C.D. Gorri - This was a traditional fluffy paranormal romance novel that I didn't know I needed! (My review coming soon!)
  • Radiance By Grace Draven - I picked this book up on a whim and I was happily surprised by how much it captured my attention! (My review coming soon!)
  • Shadow Bloodlines By A. R. Cooper - This book had so much potential! The mythology the author introduced could have made for a fantastic and refreshing story but instead, fell short [...]. (My review coming soon!)
Books I Can't Wait To Get
My Hands On In August

* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.


| Blood Truth |  


Here's What Happened On
This Blog In July

I participated in the Top Ten Tuesday Meme:

I reviewed the following books & audio books:

I rambled on about the following topics:

What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!

Mikky Sig 2


  1. I always beat myself up that I haven't read enough books for a book blogger lol! but my monthly wrap up post help to put my mind at rest. ;-)

    I read a novella from Grace Draven's Radiance series and was surprised at how much I enjoyed it too as it's not my usual genre. It's still on my Amazon wish list so I'll be waiting to read your thoughts about it.

    1. My anxiety beats me up for me :]

      Wait, there's a novella for Grace Draven's Radiance series? Darn it! I hate when I do this. Now I probably won't want to pick it up in the first place :/

  2. Glad it was a good month! Love that cover of Teen Titans Raven.


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