May was a peaceful month! My allergies did start to flare up in the middle of the month and even though I got through 9 books I swear I could have gotten to more if my eyes would just cooperate with me. Also reading novellas does wonders in boosting my ego with the Goodreads Reading Challange. Yoga is going better than ever but I did skin my knee for the first time in 10 years while walking my dog so there's only so much I can do without causing myself pain at the moment. Fun fact: I also fainted for the first time this year this month. Yet something else my body sometimes does that have doctors scratching their heads and not having answers. Here's to a fantastic and peaceful June filled with books!
Books I Read & Listened
To In May
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- Ruin By Nicolina Martin - Anti-heroes rub me the wrong way. I've felt like this for quite a few years. (Review coming soon!)
- Forever Claimed By Kim Loraine - I love the idea of this series of standalone books set in the same world while keeping the idea of what a vampire is consistent between all of them. This novel in particular, however, was not for me. (Full review here!)
- Supernatural Academy: Year One By Jaymin Eve - As always, with this author, I adore the world building! She does a fantastic job at making this magical universe a realistic and believable one. (Review coming soon!)
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- Fae's Captive (Fae's Captive #1) By Lily Archer - Having just finished a novella in a series that's exclusively standalone novellas I wasn't holding out much hope for this book (considering this is a novella length novel). I was so surprised by how much I ended up liking this though. (Review coming soon!)
- Road To Winter (Fae's Captive #2) By Lily Archer - There's not much to say if you've read my review of book 1. These seem to be getting shorter as they go and not much happened in the small time frame this novella took place in. (Review coming soon!)
- Bite Of Winter (Fae's Captive #3) By Lily Archer - I'm sorry to say but these books seem to get both better and worse with every new installment. (Review coming soon!)
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- Fearless By Sybil Bartel - You're probably getting tired of hearing me gush about most books by this author. I just feel the urge to scream out at whoever will listen about how good Sybil's books are! (Review coming soon!)
- Cursed Souls By Anya J. Cosgrove - I've learned to be accepting of open-ended stories (which this one turned out to be). Even though I don't love them it gives me hope that there will be future books/novellas in this series.
- Forever Bound By Karpov Kinrade - This was still only an OK read even when compared to the only other novella I read in this series By Kim Loraine titled Forever Claimed.

Books I Can't Wait To Get
My Hands On In June
* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.
Here's What Happened On
This Blog In May
I rambled on about the following topics:
I reviewed the following books & audio books:
- Sin & Magic By K. F. Breene ★★½☆☆
- Sin & Chocolate By K. F. Breene ★★★☆☆
- Forever Claimed By Kim Loraine ★★☆☆☆
- Demon Magic And A Martini By Annette Marie ★★★★★
I participated in the Top Ten Tuesday Meme:
- Favorite Books Released In the Last Ten Years (one book for each year)
- Five Series I Wish I Could Read Again For The First Time
What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!

Hope you have a great June! Sorry to hear about the fainting thing! It can be frustrating for sure when doctors can't put their finger on something like that.
ReplyDeleteI love reading novellas. They go quick and are even good for getting out of a slump sometimes. :)
Have a great week!
I hope you have an awesome June as well! I've given up on figuring out the fainting thing. No doctor seems to be worried about it enough to actually try and figure out why. It's having annoying but what can you do :/
DeleteNovellas are an amazing ego boost and I agree that they do help get out of reading slumps :)
I can't wait to read Storm and Fury either!!
ReplyDeleteYou and I both :)