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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Monthly Recap: November 2019


Summer is officially here in Brazil and that means a lot of very sunny days and lots of thunderstorms! All I know is that reading in the sweltering heat is not fun. A fan also doesn't do much to disperse the heat. If only money fell from the sky and I could afford to pay the exorbitant electric bill so I could blast my AC all day every day for a few months.

Well, on the bright side another month has gone by and we are one month away from the end of the decade and the world hasn't come to an end. That's something to be excited about, right? 

Be on the lookout for the event that takes place on this blog every end of the year where I count down my favorite books for the year! I've switched it up a little bit this year! I hope you enjoy!

Books I Read & Listened
To In November

| Graphic Novel | eBook | Audio Book |
  • Witchblade (2017-) #16 - The art has a considerable difference in this edition! There are a lot more detailed close-ups and things are just more (if that makes any sense). (My review is live here!)
  • Eleven By J. MarieThis book brought me back to the beginning of paranormal romance vampire books! This is what I want to see more of in vampire romance books period. (My review is live here!)
  • Shadow's Kiss By T. M. HartThanks to this book I finally remember why I dislike the amnesia trope so much. (My review coming soon!)
| eBook | Audio Book | eBook |
  • Kato By Sarah J. Stone - I thought I was going to like this a lot more than I did! It had everything going for it in the beginning. (My review coming soon!)
  • Spellbound By Dannika Dark - I adore this series and its characters but I didn't like that this was a novella-length novel. (My review is live here!)
  • The Monster Ball - I've been going through a few of the stories in this anthology and they've proven to be entertaining so far! I'll keep updating my review on Goodreads as I get through more and more of them.
Audio Book | Audio Book | Audio Book |
  • Revelation By Randi Cooley Wilson - This book started off very interesting! I love mythology-based stories, it gets even better when it's mentioned that one of the creatures that are part of this story are gargoyles. (My review coming soon!)
  • Restraint By Randi Cooley Wilson - As interesting as the world the author created is, I can't stand the heroine and the should-they-shouldn't-they thing she has with Asher. (My review coming soon!)

Books I Can't Wait To Get
My Hands On In December

* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.


| Taming Demons For BeginnersSin & Spirit |
| Audio Book | eBook |

Here's What Happened On
This Blog In November

I participated in the Top Ten Tuesday Meme:

I reviewed the following books & audio books:

What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!

Mikky Sig 2

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