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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Changes In My Reading Life

Hiya My Little Predators!!

Welcome back to:
A weekly feature created By The Broke And The Bookish
Currently featured on That Artsy Reader Girl

Changes In My Reading Life

This past year and a half I've noticed that I've been reading almost exclusively paranormal romance and urban fantasy. Though I still find it in myself to put a bunch of contemporaries on my TBR pile. Like I'm actually going to read them with the current kick I'm on! It's either 1) I don't know me or 2) I'm naively hopeful that my kick will end and I'll branch out again.

I'm still not picky about reading series or standalones. I prefer to binge a series because when books release a year apart I tend to forget what I liked so much about them in the first place that by book #5 I have no clue what's happening anymore with the plot and how we got from point A to B. I will also point out that series burnout is a thing for me too. I've had to give a few series a break because I was finding details to nitpick about for no apparent reason.

Speed-wise I don't think I've gotten any faster. Maybe I've even gotten slower with the allergy I've been having to deal with for the last few months. My eyes have been burning and have become sensitive to any kind of screen you can imagine. Even focusing on words on a paper gets to me. Audio books have been my best friends throughout this journey though! My appreciation for them has only increased in the last few months!

Has anything change in your reading life?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. Great list! I've got back into reading series and I love being able to binge them where possible - I've got to the point now where I'd rather wait to start a series until it's finished, so I'm not waiting around forever for the next book.

    1. Thanks! If only my curiosity would allow me the patience of waiting a series out!

  2. Is reading lots of books from the same genre something you've done in the past?

    My TTT.

    1. That's a great question! I think it is. I always find something I like and stick to it. So maybe the years that I dabbled in other genres frequently was the outlier. At first I was a mystery buff, then it went to horror and it got to a point where I was reading PNR, UF and contemporaries. Now it's only PNR and UF :)


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