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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Monthly Recap: August 2021


I finally got my first Pfizer shot! My state is currently sitting at 80% of the total adult population having had their first shot. I'm SO glad that the anti-vax talk, at least, in my state seems to be a smaller percentage than I was expecting. I know it'll still be quite some time before things start going back to a reminiscent of "normal" (whatever that is anymore) but I truly can't wait to put on lipstick and have the world see it. It's the small things that make living worthwhile πŸ˜… (Also be aware that these numbers are for my state in Brazil)

In other news, I read 7 whole books (technically read 4 and listened to 3)! Still great news for me though! I thought I would be able to read 100 books this year again and then things just slowed down. The mood readerβ„’ in me has been rearing her ugly head these last few weeks so it hasn't been an ideal situation. I've settled on rereading old favorites. We'll see how I do by the end of the year.

Until next month!
Happy reading!

Books I Read & Listened
To In August

| eBook | eBook | Audio Book |
  • Claimed By J. R. Ward - I really liked this book but it wasn't what I was expecting to get. When you tell me J. R. Ward is going to be writing about wolves my brain automatically thinks it's going to be a Black Dagger Brotherhood type of series but with wolves instead of or with (?) vampires. So to put it plainly I was expecting a lot more paranormal and a lot less investigative/suspense/whodunit. (My review coming soon!)
  • Fae King's Throne By Layla Harper - For the first time in my life, I unknowingly read the second book in a duology first. *Face Palm* I truly want to throat punch myself. I swear I thought I was reading the first book! (My review coming soon!)
  • Blood Be Damned By Kel Carpenter - I wish I liked this book more. The story was very interesting and the characters are bad*ss. There was such a somber note to everything that I ended up just pushing myself through the story. By the end, my heart wasn't in it at all. (My review coming soon!)

| eBook | Audio BookAudio Book |
  • Throne of Stars and Cinders By Leeann M. Shane - This series has such an interesting story! The worldbuilding with every novel is more and more believable. I love how smooth the transitions are between one event to the other. Though be warned that the writing style is on the more descriptive side. (My review coming soon!)
  • Once Burned By Jeaniene Frost - My third reread is in the books! πŸ˜‚ I had NOTHING to read (looks away from my TBR pile of 190+ books) so I decided to reread. I'm totally not feeling guilty or overwhelmed by the amount of I books I want to read but have no motivation to thanks to the mood I'm in. Being a Mood Readerβ„’ has proved to be very counterproductive to reading new books lately πŸ˜… (My review is live here!)
  • Twice Tempted By Jeaniene Frost - My third reread of this book is in! There's something about this series and this author that just keeps me coming back for more! I'm still at that stage where I want to like Vlad but he's making it rather hard for me to justify his actions. I just love the world the author created and I can't wait for her to keep on adding books to the Night Huntress universe β™‘ (My review is live here!)

| eBook |
  • City Of Thorns By C. N. Crawford - This was SO DAMN good. Succubi and incubi are such interesting creatures. I wish more authors would take a swing at these kinds of creatures more often. (My review coming soon!)
Books I Can't Wait To Get
My Hands On In September

* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.
Here's What Happened On
This Blog In July

I reviewed the following books & audiobooks:

And Book Looks are BACK! Check them out:

What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!
Mikky Sig 2


  1. I can't wait for the one and only crystal druid either, Mikky. Don't stress about mood reading - we read what our soul needs. x

    1. Annette Marie hasn't disappointed me yet!
      That's a fantastic way to look at it β™‘


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