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Friday, April 30, 2021

Monthly Recap: April 2021


How is April over already?! Everything passed in a blur this month. I finished rereading a monster of a beautiful book this month so that took up quite some time. I also discovered that there's such a thing as a Mood Rereader™. I'm one of them and I'm already sick of it. Why won't my brain let me read my 2 current huge 500+ paged monster of a book(s) in peace? I'll get to rereading that specific book right after I'm done with these two. I SWEAR!

On a more peaceful note, I finished 4 whole books this month. Considering everything that's going on that's still a win in my book. As much as I would love to hit 100 books read this year it isn't something I want to stress over. If it happens, fantastic! If it doesn't I have the next few decades to reach that milestone again C;

Until next month!
Happy reading!

Books I Read & Listened
To In April

| Audio Book | Audio Book | Audio Book |
  • A Kingdom Of Flesh And Fire By Jennifer L. ArmentroutRe-Read On April 2021: Just as good the second time around! URGH. I'm just angry that I miscalculated the time it would take to re-read this series so far because now I still have 12 days to wait for the next book! Is there a Cliffhangers Anonymous™ group because I need to cry and share my feelings about this with someone! 😭 (My review is live!) 
  • Haunted By Shadows By Kel CarpenterI think the magic that I saw in book one has fizzled out after I finished this one. There isn't much I can say in terms of where the story went without giving away massive spoilers so I'll have to leave it at that. (My review coming soon!)
  • Wolf Girl By Leia StoneThis book was going to get a 4-star review before that ending. After that ending, it's getting a 3-star review. (My review coming soon!)
| eBook |
  • Rancher Dragon By Terry Bolryder - This book passed the time really well! It was a great in-between book while I was anxiously awaiting 2 big books to be released. It was quick, sweet, and to the point. (My review coming soon!)

Books I Can't Wait To Get
My Hands On In May

* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.



(Audio Book)                              



Here's What Happened On
This Blog In April

I reviewed the following books & audiobooks:

And Book Looks are BACK! Check them out:

What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!

Mikky Sig 2

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