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Friday, December 7, 2018

Book Tag: Book Blogging Firsts

I was first introduced to this tag by A.J. Sterkel from Read All The Things. This tag was created by Kristen from Metaphors And Moonlight.

First blog name and design?

Officially 'Nocturnal Predators Reviews' is my first blog name. My first idea was 'Wonderland Reviews' which was already taken by the time I wanted to start a blog. It took me a good two weeks of looking up other blogs and name generator sites to decide on 'Nocturnal Predators Reviews'. In the first few months of creating this blog, I also had no idea was image copyright was a thing, so I accidentally used what I *think* is a photo that I shouldn't have been using. I changed it as soon as I came across a blog post explaining what copyright is. My current design is going on more than 4 years. I still like it, so it'll probably last a few more years.

First blog post?

A book review for The Iron Queen By Kaitlin Bevis and it was a low rating. I took one heck of a risk starting off with a not so positive book review as my first post/introduction to people.

First book review?

I started off the bat with a book review so see previous answer :)

First meme participated in?

Officially: Top Ten Tuesday 
On and Off: My Ramblings and the occasional In My Mailbox

First discussion post?

My Ramblings is what I call my discussion posts. My first one was rather clickbaity and dramatic. It's called "I Have An Addiction..." and it's about how I became addicted to the show 'Supernatural' and how much time it was taking away from my reading.

First book blog I followed?

I first blog I went out of my way to follow through email was YA Reads. This was before I knew Goodreads was a thing and it was also around the time paranormal and fantasy YA was a big thing. I was just figuring out the types of stories I wanted to read and they were reviewing a lot of those kinds of books. It was great!

First follower?

I truly don't know! I wish I had paid attention at the time :/

First book I read because of other bloggers?

This goes back to YA Reads. I read a book called Meridian By Amber Kizer (which I still adore to this day) because they had recently positively reviewed it at the time. That was probably when I started figuring out what books worked for me and what didn't (storywise).

Do you remember the first book blog you went out of your way to follow?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. It's amazing how you remember all those things. I have no idea the first blog I followed.

    1. It's like my brain is selective in what it commits to memory in the long term. If only it were half this good at remembering things for a big test or presentation! LOL

  2. Ooh fun! I don't remember the first blog I followed although a few I've been following for almost the whole time I've been around- I wish I remembered too the first book I read because of blogging! I like to go back sometimes and see just how y writing has changed over the last few years. :)

    1. I also have a handful of blogs that I've been following since what seems like the beginning of time. Going back and seeing how my writing has evolved/transformed is refreshing :)


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