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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Monthly Wrap-Up: July 2018


My eyes were as irritated as ever in July and no two doctors can agree on what's causing it. So reading wasn't high on my priorities list. BUT thanks to short graphic novels and audiobooks it was still a decent month for them. I finally got into a graphic novel series which has been a goal of mine for a few months now! I'm also now banned from leaving reviews on Amazon (which was great to deal with). Amazon has restored most of my reviews. I'm just glad I can still leave my reviews on there are all at this point, so I'm just going to leave it as it is. BUT I'm still moving forward with posting my reviews on other sites such as Kobo and B&N so if this happens in the future (because with Amazon who knows what's going on at this point) it won't feel like the world is crashing down on me! Other than that life is moving ahead at a fast pace. Maybe it's just me but after June the rest of the year starts to fly by so quickly. Until next month!

Books I Read & Listened To In July
  • Witchblade (2017) #1 - 6 - I’ve never read the original Witchblade graphic novels, so I have nothing to compare this to. I like what I’ve seen so far and am intending to continue reading this series! ★★★★ (My review is live on Goodreads)
  • Cursed By Fire By Danielle Annett - Everything felt only surface deep. There wasn't much substance to anything or anyone in this series. The world building felt off. My review coming soon!
  • Twist (Mageri #2) By Dannika Dark - I reread this novel to see if, with some perspective, my opinion would change and it did somewhat. Looking back I was shipping Justus and Silver so fervently that it got in the way of me seeing how caring Logan was towards Silver. I still don't agree and can't begin to wrap my head around what he did in the beginning, but I can see the appeal it has for the story and character development. I still adore the world building of this series and how everything feels so real.

  • Bodyguard By Jennifer Ashley - The ending was rushed and way too easily resolved. Nothing made me feel like anything was a life-or-death situation so it didn't have the emotional impact the author probably wanted. This book wasn't for me, but I got through the audio book easily enough. My review coming soon!
  • The Worst Things In Life Are Also Free By Jim Benton - This series was such a big part of my childhood and nostalgia does amazing things for it! The story is entertaining and passed the time quite well. I still love Jamie Kelly's commentary about all the situations she and her friends get into. ★★★★ (My review is live on Goodreads)
  •  White Hot Kiss By Jennifer Armentrout - I could foresee most of what happened in this story from miles and miles away. This isn't what I'd call a book of twists and turns. Despite that, I do intend to continue on with this series considering how the book ended. I'm too invested for my own good at this point. My review coming soon!
Books I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On In August
* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.


          (Audio Book) | (Audio Book)                




Here's What Happened On This Blog In July

I rambled on about the following topics:

I reviewed the following books & audio books:

I participated in the Top Ten Tuesday Meme:
Awesome Posts I Came Across In July

What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!

Mikky Sig 2

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