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Monday, July 13, 2020

Book Review: Fae King's Sacrifice By Layla Harper

Fae King's Sacrifice
(Court of Bones and Ash #3)
By Layla Harper

A blossoming love threatened…

The journey to the fabled lands of my ancestors is wreathed in unforeseen dangers. I will slay any who dare harm my precious càirdeil. There is nothing I will not do—no sacrifice too great—to keep her safe.

But is my formidable strength enough against the insidious enemy who lies in the shadows, waiting to strike?

Or will my desire prove to be our greatest downfall yet?

Publisher's Note: Fae King's Sacrifice is the third installment in the Court of Bones and Ash serial, an M/F steamy romance between one growly Fae king and his fated mate. All books in this series are meant to be read in order. But beware, cliffhangers abound. If vertical drops make you dizzy, it may be best to wait until the series is complete.
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(Linked to my review!)

My Review:

Something about this story and how it's written makes for an amazing book! I thoroughly enjoyed this story, its characters and the plot twists in between.

Kyra is headstrong and understanding while still keeping in mind that she's far from invincible in a world that she shouldn't even be in, in the first place. I also love the chemistry she and Rogar have. I like that they are respectful of one another and try their best to communicate in tough situations.

Rogar is a big soft teddy bear when it comes to Kyra and I love it! He's also fiercely protective of her when things go wrong. I love the respect he has for her and what she means to him in his world. 

The ending was a cliffhanger, which is normal for this series and is clearly stated in the synopsis of the novel. As long as a cliffhanger doesn't catch me by surprise I can live with it. Considering all that, I. Need. The. Next. Book. I need Kyra and Rogar to have a light at the end of the tunnel with all the bad things that have been hurtling at them consistently throughout the last few books in this series.

My Favorite Quotes:

"I will guard her warrior heart with all that I am."

"Families fight, Rogar. It's not always pretty, and sometimes the people you love the most are the ones who hurt you the worst, but hey such, is life."

"Your happiness is my happiness. Your pain is my pain."

My Rating:

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