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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover

Hiya My Little Predators!!

Welcome back to:
A weekly feature created By The Broke And The Bookish
Currently featured on That Artsy Reader Girl

Ten Signs You’re a Book Lover

1. You feel like something is missing when you don't have the book you're currently reading at arm's length at all times;

2. You care so more about a fictional character's wellbeing;

3. You've printed out and collaged a bunch of your favorite book covers on a notebook so you can shout to the world how bookish you are (HA, true story! Let me know if you want a post about that);

4. Just looking at books and thinking about how they make you feel gets you emotional;

5. If someone doesn't understand why you won't let them borrow your mint condition signed first edition copy of your favorite book, then they don't deserve your friendship;

6. Bookish merch! If only I didn't live halfway around the world and could use my love of books as currency to buy all the bookish merch!;

7. You have a list of books in a doc with the title, author and release date so you don't miss a book release. Ever;

8. Other people don't understand why you're so invested in a mear book;

9. On your days off you prefer to stay home and catch up on the latest release than go out and actually see people *shudders* ;

10. You feel an immeasurable peace while at a book shop and/or library!

Did you find yourself feeling included in the list above?
Let me know in the comments below!


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