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Friday, October 20, 2017

Book Tag: The Fictional Boyfriend Tag

This tag was originally created by Rachel (Rachel Reads) & Katie (The eBook Sphere) on Youtube. The concept is to pick a book boyfriend that could be described by the prompts below. I wasn't tagged to do this so I won't tag anyone either. Feel free to participate in this tag on your own blog!

The Most Romantic Boyfriend:
Beau from Beauty Dates The Beast (Midnight Liaisons #1) By Jessica Sims
It's been a few years since I've read this novel, but from what I can
remember this is the most a character has ever tried to be stereotypically
romantic (with flowers, chocolate, etc.).

(Linked to Goodreads)

The Dark & Moody Bad Boy With A Good Side:
Jax from The Eternal Balance Series By Jus Accardo
He's literally supposed to be evil, but chooses to be good.
It's can't get anymore dark or moody than that.

(Linked to my reviews)

The Paranormal Boyfriend:
Charles from the Alpha & Omega Series By Patricia Briggs
He's a werewolf who's caring, sweet and fierce. I also distinctly remember
him being half native american and having beautiful long dark hair. 

(Linked to my review)

The Boyfriend You Want To Tame:
Lyre from the Stone & Steel Series By Annette Marie
He's a secretive incubus that will do whatever he needs to do to
accomplish his goal and maybe save his friends in the end. 

(Linked to my review)

The Boy You Friend-Zoned:
Daemon from the Lux Series By Jennifer Armentrout.
He started off as the typical bad boy next door and eventually played
hot and cold for a while in the novel. I'd rather friend zone him and
not go through what Katy did.

(Linked to Goodreads)

Your Soul Mate:
Lucas/Landon from Easy By Tammara Webber
He's caring, kind and honest. He's somewhat flawed and has tattoos.

(Linked to my review)

The Boyfriend You Would Elope With:
Quarry from Fighting Solitude (On The Ropes #3) By Aly Martinez
He's a fighter in the ring, honest and kind. He's usually traveling for
his fights so I imagine that eloping would be very simple with him.

(Linked to my review)

The Boyfriend You Would Venture Anywhere With:
Gabriel from Chameleon By Kelly Oram
According to my review he's, "I have a serious soft spot for innocent, sweet,
down to earth, insecure guys. Gabriel is the incarnation of that guy. He was
so understanding and self sacrificing (...)".

(Linked to my review)

The Boyfriend You Want To Be Stranded
On A Deserted Island With:
Justus from the Mageri Series By Dannika Dark
He's a badass fighter and he's a termal (which in the Mageri universe
means he can control and project his body heat) so I won't be dying of hypothermia at least.

(Linked to my review)

The Most Badass Boyfriend:
Neil from Neil (The Uncompromising #2) By Sybil Bartel
He's ex danish military and overall badass. In his story he performs an
unrealistic and crazy maneuver to get out of danger. He's by far one of the
most dangerous book boyfriends I've had the pleasure of reading about.

(Linked to my review)

Who's your favorite book boyfriend?
Let me know in the comments below!

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