Why do some authors consider
'3 stars' a bad ratings?
This is something that has boggled my mind since I started blogging. There are some blog tour companies out there that have a rule stating that only 4+ star reviews are welcome in their events. What's wrong with 3 stars?
Most of the books I read I rank at a 3 star level. That doesn't mean the book was bad. It just means that the book was overall an average read. Not every book I read will hit the 4 or 5 star mark. Those are reserved for books that blew my mind in some way or another.
People need to understand that not every book is an amazing-out-of-this-world type of book. As much as I would LOVE to only read books I consider mind blowing, it just isn't possible. Some books will ultimately disappoint you because everyone has their quirks. Even one tiny detail will make it so I despise a book (which has happened in the past).
In conclusion everyone has different tastes in books. It's nearly impossible to write a book that everyone will adore. Average ratings aren't bad. It's still positive enough to promote your book to someone else who may love it.
Do you consider '3 stars' a bad rating?
What does it take for you to rate a book '4+ stars'?
What does it take for you to rate a book '4+ stars'?
Let me know in the comments below!
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