*Advance Reader Copies.
Confessional: One of the things that eventually pushed me to create this book blog is having the opportunity to receive ARC's.
I adore ARC's. Especially when it's for a book I've been dreaming of getting my hands on a good month in advance. The first time I received a book directly from a publisher I felt faint because it was that exciting (for me). I also don't believe it when people say that only 'big' blogs get amazing ARC's. At the time that I received the aforementioned ARC I was barely over a year in my blogging career.
Life has gotten in the way in the last two years, so I haven't been asking for all that many ARC's. My reason being that I don't want to take away someone's chance at enjoying that ARC copy. The way things are going I'd rather not have that guilt and pressure put on me to deliver what I would consider a subpar book review.
I've discovered in recent months that I don't do well under pressure. Sometimes I pass up ARC opportunities because I'd rather purchase the book and read it on my own time instead of the 30 days they usually ask. The time crunch also makes me want to speed through to get it over with and it ends with me not enjoying the book as much as I would have, had I read it on my time.
Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm being offered physical ARC's left and right (I'm not, I live in Brasil. No one wants to send an ARC that shipping would make worth triple what a regular book is). This is not me bragging in the slightest. This is me being honest and transparent. Nowadays, unless I've worked with said author/tour company or am currently reading the series being offered before hand I won't accept anything for review.
Do you do well under pressure?
Do you have/ Why did you create a book blog?
Let me know in the comments below!
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