Hiya My Little Predators!!

Reader's Block & How Annoying It Actually Is
It's that time of week again, where I take the time out to write about what's wrong with my life and hope someone else is suffering the same fate so I know I'm not alone in this.
I'm suffering from reader's block. If you don't know what that is, it's the equivalent of writer's block, except instead of not being able to put words on paper, you simply can't finish a full book. I've found my self one clicking way too much, but every time I go to read the book I get to 10% - 20% and give up because I find a small detail that I can't get over or a major (to me) flaw that I simply will not stand for.
It's been MONTHS and I've only finished maybe a handful of books this year. It's finally getting to me, though. I can already predict a few weeks from now where I'll post a blog post about how life is hard and that having first world problems is difficult and that I simply couldn't bring myself to finish one single book and write a review for it. It's a very pessimist look on life and I don't like it.
I often find myself going through my Goodreads shelf recommendations and reading EVERY SINGLE synopsis and not like anything. It's getting to a point where I'm frustrated with myself. I seem to only want to read books that will release a few months from now and that only adds to my frustration.
Have you suffered from reader's block? How did you get passed it?
Do you have any MUST read books to recommend me?
Tell me in the comment's below!!
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