Hiya My Little Predators!!
Welcome back to the Top Ten Tuesday meme!!
It's a weekly feature created By The Broke and the Bookish!
This Week's Topic:
Top Ten Books I'm Not Sure I Want To Read
*The following books are in no particular order.

By Jennifer Armentrout
I actually own this and I don't know if it was me and my timing, but when I started this (and by started I mean read the first 10 pages and put it away) I just don't know what happened. I've heard awesome things about this novel, but I still can't get over my....how do I put this?....nervousness? I love almost anything Jennifer Armentrout writes, but maybe this is the exception.
The movie is coming out soon and I don't know what to do. This isn't my type of book. The same thing happened with The Fault In Our Stars By John Green. I went into it unsure and came out beaten to a bloody pulp, but happy. It just kind of captivated me. I'm scared that that was a one time deal. I don't want to hate this book because I intend to watch the movie (P.S. TFIOS Movie was heart wrenchingly beautiful and terrible at the same time...oh dear God the emotions!). I also don't want to be the girl at the movies who has no clue what's going to happen in it...
I need someone's opinion. Can anyone help me out? Advice would be lovely at the moment =/
I LOVED Book #1 in the Too Far series and consequently hated all the other books. I'm hesitant to start this and love it and hate all the other books after it. I don't know what Mrs. Glines did with the other 2 books in the series, but they were NOT up to par with book #1.
I read Easy in 2012. If I'm being honest I don't really even remember the story in detail. From what I've read in the stellar reviews of this book it over laps a little with the original book and I think I'll probably get lost a little because I don't remember much which will take away from the book/story as a whole. So I'll need to re-read Easy to read this =/I re-read Easy a few days ago and started Breakable. I didn't really like the audio book voice I heard in the sample on Audible.com so I went ahead with the book. I got 102 pages into it (on my iPad) and stopped. I caught myself tearing up. I can't read a book if I'm going to tear up every 5 pages (just like TFIOS). So unless I get over the voice on the audio book I probably won't read this unfortunately.
I read Book #1 and #2 in the Jessica McClain series and so I have mixed feelings. The first book (for a first book) was a great read! The second book followed the same formula for Book #1 and dragged along for me. From the reviews I read on Book #3 it's the same formula, but with a different plot point and it drags on all the same. I don't want to read a book I'll have to either mark as DNF or one star it.
Seems like everywhere I go Colleen Hoover is there. On FB and Twitter when I scroll through my feed I see at least 2 posts on her or her books. I don't know if I should read them/this book or not considering I've heard both good and bad on it.
I LOVED Book #1 (Meridian) and Book #2 was readable. Though because I disliked the dual POV's (which didn't include Tens (AKA the "hero")). As much as I want to read more on their story it doesn't mean I'm willing to read about another character's story while I'm waiting on the main character's story. I hope that makes sense...
A few years ago I read The Crescent By Jordan Deen. I thought it was the best thing ever invented since electricity. Fast forward a few years and one re-read later and I'm not feeling it so much. At the time Half Moon was going to be released the following year and I actually talked to the author about how I felt about the book. Now I just don't know if I should put myself through the torture or just forgive and forget.
I loved the Shadow Falls Series and when I heard this was a spin-off I was thrilled. Except the same thing that happened with White Hot Kiss (mentioned somewhere above) happened to this. Maybe I'm just in a reading runt, but I read the first 2 chapters and I just wasn't feeling it.Update: I've started on the audio book of this title. I'm not sure how far I'll get into it or even if I'll finish. I hope I do :]
I couldn't think of a tenth book so the list ends here C:
Please excuse me if this is considered cheating!! Hehe...
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