Hiya My Little Predators!!
Welcome back to the Top Ten Tuesday meme!!
It's a weekly feature created By The Broke and the Bookish!
This Week's Topic:
Top Ten Characters I Would Want With Me On A Deserted Island
I can't stand books on survival or lost on an island type story lines so the following character's were chosen by based on hotness C:
P.S. I'm not shallow! I promise...Then again if I were that's exactly what I'd say...
OH never mind C:
Just continue to the list below...hehe
*The following characters listed below are in no particular order.
* Covers linked to Goodreads.

1. Kale from Touch (Denazen #1) By Jus Accardo

2. Crispin (AKA Bones) from the Night Huntress Series By Jeaniene Frost
P.S. I'm not shallow! I promise...Then again if I were that's exactly what I'd say...
OH never mind C:
Just continue to the list below...hehe
*The following characters listed below are in no particular order.
* Covers linked to Goodreads.

1. Kale from Touch (Denazen #1) By Jus Accardo
He has the power of killing everything that touches him (weather he wants to or not....let's hope I'm an exception). So if any creature attacks us on this island all he's have to do is touch it to neutralize it as a threat.

2. Crispin (AKA Bones) from the Night Huntress Series By Jeaniene Frost
He's an old as dirt vampire and probably has a clue on how to survive in the wild. At least, I hope he has a clue because I certainly don't....

3. Charles (Spade) from First Drop Of Crimson (Night Huntress Spin-Off) By Jeaniene Frost
Again, he's an old as dirt vampire. He's survived wars, and medieval jails. I, again, hope he has a clue on how to survive an island.

4. Reno from Six Months (Seven #2) By Dannika Dark
He's a werewolf and loves to run around in the forest behind his house. I can safely assume he knows a thing or two about surviving in the wild. If he doesn't then his wolf will. I think I'll be nice and as comfortable as I can be with Reno.

5. Alex from Branded By Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki
He lives in an post apocalyptic world and guards the sinners. He's had to srunge up food and deal with threats. I think he'd help me survive in an island.

6. Astley from the Need Series By Carrie Jones
He's the Pixie King for Christ's sake. You assume he has mad survival skills if he's managed to keep his position as king all this time. I just hope it includes how to survive in the wilderness on a deserted island...

7. Rouke from the Jessica McClain Series By Amanda Carlson
I ended up disliking the series as a whole, but I love Rouke! He's an ancient semi-immortal. We can assume he's survived wars, plagues and an apocalypse or two. I think we're safest with him C;

8. Samuel from the Mercy Thompson Series By Patricia Briggs
He's a werewolf that has been on the edge for a long time. He can't find love and his wolf is almost going crazy because of everything he has survived. He's almost as old as Bran (the Alpha) so that's saying something. I think I'd have a fair chance of either surviving the island or getting eaten. Which ever comes first C:

9. Tens from the Fenestra Series By Amber Kizer
He's been on the street since he was young. The only person he's ever considered a parent has died and he knows how to survive on his own and hope of a better future. I'd survive if I could bring him along!

He's an alien and hot. Other then that I'm not sure he'd be of much use. Sure he glows in the dark and even though I'm terrified by the dark, I'm not sure how we'd survive. I guess he could throw fire/energy (?) balls to kill creatures for food and drop a coconut or two....Then again, he seems like a nice choice considering C:
Do you agree with my picks? Would you switch out character's? Do you have any recommendations for me regarding survival savvy guys and a good book? Feel free to comment below C:
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