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Monday, June 6, 2022

Book Review: Inner Demons By Stacia Stark

Inner Demons
(Deals with Demons #3)
By Stacia Stark

He’s an arrogant control freak.
I’m a stubborn, loose cannon.
We’re a match made in hell.

Luckily, that’s Samael's hometown.

After the Mage Council publicly excised me, I've finally got my first real case. And I've even taken on a brand-new employee: A werewolf with impulse control issues.

But my sister just lost everyone she loves, and she’s begging me to ask Samael for help.

Whether I like it or not, I need the high demon's resources. Because anyone who can kill that many witches has the kind of power we can't afford to ignore.

But the more I work with Samael, the more I'm realizing just who he is beneath the mask he wears for everyone else.

And the demon I never wanted?

He just might be the love I never knew I needed.
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Check Out The Other Books In This Series:
(Linked to my review!)

My Review:

This series has turned into my favorite so far this year! The characters are complex! The story is interesting! I love how the author manages to intertwine 3 different plots into one while still making it possible for me to keep everything organized in my head about them. If that's not talent then I don't know what is!

I loved that Danica finally admitted to herself and Samael that fighting the thing between them wasn't working anymore. Though considering how this book ended I wished she would have realized that a book sooner. I love Danica's spunk and her take-no-sh*t attitude. I also like that her magic/abilities don't come easily to her. I like seeing her slowly evolve into the powerhouse she's bound to become in future books.

Samael. I both love and hate him. When he's good he's fantastic. When he's bad he's a scary MFer. Though I like seeing him try to evolve to meet some of Danica's expectations. Granted some things will never change but I like seeing him put in the effort.

That cliffhanger was just plain mean. I'm already dreading the wait between Book #4 and #5. The only way I'm getting through this series is by believing that both main characters will end up together and beat all odds. Don't make me regret putting my trust in you Stacia Stark 😭

My Rating:

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