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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Monthly Recap: January 2022


I underestimated how freeing it would be to make my yearly Goodreads Challenge to 1 book. I love it so far! Now that I don't have a certain number of books to read I'm actually more excited to read books again. Especially rereading! I've found that I'm very into rereading old favorites lately! I've been having a blast reading what I want when I want (says the mood reader who's done nothing but that for the last few years but it feels different without the GR Challenge hanging over her head). What can you do *Shrugs*

Until next month!
Happy reading!

Books I Read & Listened
To In December

| Audio BookAudio Book | Audio Book |

  • Wolf Cursed By Heather Hildenbrand - This started off very interesting but then slowly fizzled out. By that I mean after I hit 40% the book was unmemorable and I started counting down the minutes for it to end. (My review is live here!)
  • Twice Tempted By Jeaniene Frost - So… This is exactly what it looks like 😅 Apparently this has become a favorite series of mine without my knowledge. Oops. Fourth reread is in. Let me just say that the writing for this series and this author's books in general is just so relaxing to read/listen to. Something about it just clicks for me. (My review is live here!)
  • Bound By Flames By Jeaniene Frost - I don't know what's going on but I'm really liking my fourth reread of this series. Don't ask me why I'm making it a point to read this series this many times because I wouldn't know how to answer that question. *shrugs* Happy reading everyone! ♡ (My review is live here!)

| Graphic Audio | Audio Book | Audio Book |

  • Clean Sweep By Ilona Andrews - I've tried picking up books by Ilona Andrews in the past and have never had much luck. There's always a detail I nitpick here and there that ends up in me DNFing the novel. This book was almost that. This being produced by Graphic Audio was the one thing that kept me coming back. I can rave about how I ADORE Graphic Audio. (My review coming soon!)
  • Shadow Angel By Leia Stone & Julie Hail - I think I was expecting something else because this book was just an okay read for me. The story was okay, the characters were somewhat interesting but I wanted things to be less straightforward (if that makes sense?). It felt like I was reading a story where the author was connecting the dots right in front of me and I could see so much of it coming from very far away. (My review is live here!)
  • Moon Touched By Elizabeth Briggs - This was a very well-written and character-driven story. I loved it so much. The cliffhanger ending did leave a bad taste in my mouth, however. (My review is live here!)

| Audio BookAudio Book |
  • Star Cursed By Elizabeth Briggs - Had you asked me if I hated cliffhangers this much before I started this series my answer would've been no. I would have elaborated by saying that I used to hate them but that it was something that I had put behind me and had since gotten to understand the need for certain cliffhangers in certain books. I don't know what it is about the way this story is being told/written but these cliffhangers make me irrationally angry. (My review coming soon!)
  • Shadow Of Fire By Brenda K. DaviesI really liked the universe this author created! It was unique and interesting in a way that I don't always see in the books I read. The characters were compelling and the uncertainties with where things were going kept me wanting more. (My review is live here!)

Books I Can't Wait To Get
My Hands On In February

* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.


Court |


                              (Graphic Audio Edition)



Romeo |

Here's What Happened On
This Blog In January

I reviewed the following books & audiobooks:

What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!
Mikky Sig 2

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