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Monday, December 20, 2021

Book Review: The Wolf By J.R. Ward

The Wolf
(Black Dagger Brotherhood:
Prison Camp #2)
By J.R. Ward

Return to the sizzling glymera’s prison camp in this dark and sexy second novel in the new Black Dagger Brotherhood Prison Camp spin-off series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author J.R. Ward.

In the next installment of bestselling author J.R. Ward’s Prison Camp series, things get steamy when Lucan, a wolven forced into bartering drug deals for the infamous Prison Colony, meets Rio, the second in command for the shadowy Caldwell supplier, Mozart. After a deal goes awry, a wolf with piercing golden eyes swoops in to save her from certain death. As shocking truths unfurl, Rio is uncertain of who to trust and what to believe—but with her life on the line, true love rears its head and growls in the face of danger.
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Check Out The Other Books In This Series:
(Linked to my review)

My Review:

This book started off very slow. When it finally got to the good stuff though it DID NOT disappoint! The story pulled me in enough for me to even like the secondary storyline that was running through everything (which usually doesn't happen in J. R. Ward's books for me). I think that made it even better in some aspects.

I adored Lucan. He was a gentle giant who was forced to become who he became for his survival. I can't wait for him and the rest of his "Pack of Misfits" to eventually meet up with the Jackal and have them be integrated into the BBD series alongside the brothers!

Rio was a bad*ss from the start. I liked that she was very skeptical about Lucan from the start. That didn't magically change from one moment to the other throughout the story either. It was a slow road to trust. Though the jump she made at the end of the book was definitely rash but I understand where she's coming from in a way. I can't wait to see what they are about to unleash on the Prison Camp!

I'm very excited for the next book! I kind of want the next story to be about Apex and how they help the "burn victim" (who has a name but it's a spoiler). It would be nice to read about Mayhem too. Can you tell I want to read all the stories pertaining to the characters in the "Pack of Misfits" in series? 😅

My Rating:

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