Have I told you how much I despise the month of July? Well, I do. I also have a strong dislike of the number 7. July just isn't a good month, mostly due to things that have happened in the past that I won't get into.
So to combat that I read A LOT of manga this month. I recently got into a manga I started around 12 years ago and never finished for whatever reason. It's going well, except for one icky problem. You can read more about that in my review of Vol. 8 of Vampire Knight. It's more of a me-problem because I just don't like that subject matter in the stories I read. We'll see if I stick with it or not. That's all from me this month!
Until next month!
Happy reading!
Books I Read & Listened
To In July
- The Fox's Kiss Vol. 1 By Saki Aikawa - This was SO dang adorable! I'm so glad I came across this on Netgalley! (My review is live here!)
- Stealing Embers By Julie Hall - I wasn't expecting to like this book as much as I did from the beginning! (My review coming soon!)
- Reborn By Jaymin Eve - Last you heard I had DNFed this book. I had planned to keep it that way too but the audio book was released and I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to know how everything would end. Was it worth it? Meh. I'm still on the fence. (My review coming soon!)
- Healer's Need By Rhenna Morgan - The second half dragged on and on and on. The story just didn't hold my attention and what was there was making me have all the regrets about starting the book in the first place. (My "review" aka Rant is live here!)
I read A LOT of manga this month and it's just a lot to put on here. A lot of them only have ratings since there's only so much I can talk about with around 4 - 5 short chapters per volume. If you're interested check out my Manga Shelf on Goodreads. For reference the mangas I read were Vol. 1 - 9 of Vampire Knight, Vol. 2 & 3 of The Fox's Kiss and Vol. 2 of The Honey-Blood Beauty & Her Vampire.

Books I Can't Wait To Get
My Hands On In August
* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.
Here's What Happened On
This Blog In July
I reviewed the following books & audiobooks:
- Haunted By Shadows By Kel Carpenter ★★★☆☆
- Cracked Open By T.L. Christianson ★★★☆☆
- Over Easy By T.L. Christianson ★★★☆☆
- Hard Boiled By T.L. Christianson ★★★☆☆
And Book Looks are BACK! Check them out:
- Touch Of Regret By Autumn Reed
- The One and Only Crystal Druid By Annette Marie
- Warrior Fae Trapped By K.F. Breene
- The Seeker's Facade By Isadora Brown
What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!

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