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Friday, April 12, 2019

Book Tag: TBR Tag

I originally saw this tag on Coffee, Cocktails & Books. This tag was originally created by Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books!

Without farther ado, let's get to the questions:

1. How do you keep track
of your TBR pile?

Goodreads & a separate list on Word with the titles I can't miss!

2. Is your TBR mostly
print or e-book?

It's mostly eBooks!

3. A book that’s been on
your TBR the longest?

4. A book you recently
added to your TBR?

5. A book on your TBR strictly
because of its beautiful cover?

6. A book on your TBR that
you never plan on reading?

I don't plan to not read a book that's on my TBR list. I'm a mood reader so I'll get to it when I feel like it. Other than that I don't know what to tell you :)

7. An unpublished book on
your TBR that you’re excited for?

8. A book on your TBR that
everyone has read but you?

9. A book on your TBR that
everyone recommends to you?

I haven't had that many recommendations over the
years to have one particular book stand out :)

10. A book on your TBR
that you’re dying to read?

11. How many books are on
your Goodreads TBR shelf?

125 C:

How many books are on your current TBR shelf on Goodreads?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. Okay I love amaretto so I'm automatically a big fan of book five from Marie haha! And my TBR is mostly e- books as well, at this point.

    1. You should start on the series! It's so cute!
      eBooks makes the world go round at this point I guess :)


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