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Monday, July 28, 2014

Blog Tour: Guardians: The Girl By Lola St. Vil

Guardians: The Girl
By Lola St. Vil

Published: January 9th 2012

******OVER 400 FIVE STAR REVIEWS!******* 
Sitting there in the car, a part of me bitterly resented what she was doing to me. I knew it wasn’t her fault. But does she have to be so... alluring? I need to focus on something else besides the spot between her earlobe and neck. It looked so soft. Her lips were slightly parted as she looked out the window. I wanted to part them further with mine. I put both my hands on the steering wheel. I could not allow myself to let go until she was out of the car. Suddenly she leaned in and kissed me. It was far better than I could even begin to explain to you. I've fought and died a slow and painful death on earth. And nothing, NOTHING can compare to how hard it was for me to pull away from her lips. I don't think any angel could do it twice in a lifetime... 

Available At:
(P.S. It's FREE!!)
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“Go to hell!” I cry out. Who the heck said that? I realize it’s me. I guess I’m more than in pain, I’m fighting mad. Well, verbally at least.

Agony shrugs his shoulders and says, “Okay, we’ll do it the hard way”

He raises his hand a final time and snaps off my finger...

About The Author:

Lola was seven when she first came to this country from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She attended Columbia College in Chicago, where her main focus was creative writing. In addition to plays, she also writes screenplays and short stories.
She has been commissioned to write for ABC, CBS and Princeton University. She won the NAACP award for her play "The Bones of Lesser Men". In addition to being nominated for LA Weekly awards. Her work has also received positive reviews from The LA Times, Variety and LA Weekly. Guardians: The Girl was her first novel.


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