Fix Up
(Patch Up #2)
My Review:
* I was provided an eARC by the author in exchange of an honest review.
Conclusion: This was a very nice ending to Sky & Duke's story.
My Favorite Quotes:
"Life is a b*tch, I should know this by now."
"It's not love that hurts, Kate. It's people."
"Loving me is not a synonym for saving me."
My Rating:
& ½
By Stephanie Witter
Published: October 14th 2014
Published: October 14th 2014
Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing
Saying “I love you'' doesn’t erase the old scars and fears."I love you to insanity. I'm not even sure if it's a good thing.'' — DukeSkye is trying to overcome what happened with Sean. Now that she’s slowly healing, both physically and mentally, she’s determined to do something she should have done sooner. She’s meeting twice a week with a new, very young therapist, Dr. Marshall. There, she’s able to talk freely, unwind, and question things. Most of the sessions she talks about herself and her hangups, along with her relationship with Duke, which is still on rocky ground."I want to taste his sweat. I want to hear his groans. I want to feel him inside of me.'' — SkyeBut while Skye is slowly getting back on her feet, Duke feels like he's drowning. He’s afraid of pushing her too much, of initiating intimacy, and it’s weighing between them. Moreover, knowing that he's not the one she’s talking to anymore is making him feel things he never thought possible."It’s a matter of when I’ll stop fighting." — DukeAs days pass, Duke is showing over and over how vulnerable he truly is and how Skye has more power over him than she ever imagined. When Skye sees how they keep hurting each other, she’s determined to do everything in her power to make things right, no matter what the cost. But one thing is still sure; she can count on Duke whenever she needs him, even if they disagree and fight. When Duke loves, he loves with everything he’s made of, the good and the bad."Loving her is confusing, making me afraid of myself and what I can do ... because I can break us both." — Duke
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Check Out The Other Books In This Series:
(Linked to my review)
* I was provided an eARC by the author in exchange of an honest review.
This is a really good sequel. The writing is still as entertaining as ever and I can almost sense this sequel begging to be written. It wasn't a forced continuation. This story just HAD to be told.
Sky is as good as she can be after the finale in Book #1. I like how it showed her trying to deal with her problems because the truth is no one, after having gone through a traumatic events, wants to willingly rehash all those events out and how they made them feel to a psychiatrist (AKA a complete stranger.
Duke. I was reading through reviews for this book just to get a sense of where I stood in relation to all the other people how have read this book and I found this amazing quote that describes my feelings for Duke exactly from Debbie (her review here): "[...] I wished we'd heard from Duke [in the first book] . Well, here you do and I take it back. Its too painful, Duke's unravelling runs parallel to Skye's recovery. He knows what he is doing is destructive, to himself, to Skye and to their relationship but he cant stop himself."
Conclusion: This was a very nice ending to Sky & Duke's story.
My Favorite Quotes:
"Life is a b*tch, I should know this by now."
"It's not love that hurts, Kate. It's people."
"Loving me is not a synonym for saving me."
My Rating:

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