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Friday, June 26, 2020

Movie Review: 365 Days

365 Days

Massimo is a member of the Sicilian Mafia family and Laura is a sales director. She does not expect that on a trip to Sicily trying to save her relationship, Massimo will kidnap her and give her 365 days to fall in love with him.

| IMDb | Netflix |

My Review:

Where's all the eye bleach everyone keeps talking about? I'm going to need a couple drops myself after watching this so-called "movie". I would expect this movie to have come from PassionFlix, not Netflix.

I like to think that most romance novels would make drastically different and amazing movies but... I think this movie blew that out of the water for me in an eye-opening way. If the screenwriter was being true to the original material I can definitely see a book being exactly this with minimal changes and that's me being very generous.

Onto the actual storyline....Where was it actually? There was very little sprinkled about the backgrounds of both characters and that's about all we got. I would have loved to have some scenes depicting how the mafia actually works and their hierarchy and whatnot. Maybe get to know other players to spin off a few more movies? I would have also loved to have gotten a few scenes of the heroine being a boss at her job, which I'm still scratching my head at because I know it was mentioned during the movie but I just can't remember it because it wasn't part of something bigger.

The characters were okay. The heroine when she was being sassy and sarcastic was amazing. Her comebacks were wonderfully witty and made for some surprising chuckles from me. I just wish that was her 100% of the time because other than that she was bland. The hero was creepy, stalkerish, and domineering in a very bad way. He came off as/ actually was(?) a creep. I don't know how people find that sexy because it scares me into running in the other direction. And when he would call her "Baby girl", I swear I had to curb my gag reflex every. Single. Time.

Was this as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be? Not necessarily. Is it as amazing as some are saying it is? No. After watching this movie would I read the books? Heck no. After that cliffhanger would I be interested in a followup? Heck yes.

P.S. I can't stop thinking about how much viagra the hero must have had to take to keep it up for the yacht scene that seemed to last days. Plural*insert maniacal laugh here* I think my inner middle grader is showing!

My Rating:

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