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Friday, March 8, 2019

My Ramblings: Have My Reading Tastes Changed Over the Years?

Have My Reading Tastes
Changed Over the Years?

How have my reading tastes changed over the years, you ask? Well, they have and haven't changed if that makes sense. Ever since I discovered Twilight I've been on the paranormal romance and urban fantasy train. Before that, I was a hardcore horror buff and middle-grade mystery gal. I haven't felt the need to get off entirely. I'll sometimes drift into a contemporary or a romantic suspense but you can always find me back where I started since Twilight.

I've become much more knit-picky about certain details and writing styles but I equate that to the number of books I've read over the years and finally learning what works and doesn't work for me.

I've also become more patient and understanding of the book writing process and the amount of money and time that goes into the finished product. For me to one star a book today it would have to be a horrendous unedited mess with no plot line visible through the smoke. It would be a cold day in h*ll if that were to come out of my mouth a decade ago because back then I was a firm believer in:

Source GIPHY

Have your book tastes noticeably changed
in the last few years or so?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I used to try to mix my genres more, but I found I wasn't enjoying them as much as contemporaries, so, now I am sticking with what I know I will enjoy

    1. I tried that for a few weeks a year or so ago and I came to the same conclusion you did: I wasn't enjoying them as much. Sticking to what I know and love is awesome if you ask me :)

  2. Haha awesome- love that. :) I'm the same way, definitely more aware of all that goes into producing a book now. And I have branched out quite a bit since I started blogging, trying some new genres, but I still fall back too on the stuff I've always liked.

    1. The idea of branching out is great but in practice I also always end up going back to what I adore :)


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