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Friday, February 22, 2019

My Ramblings: To Write Or Not To Write

To Write Or Not To Write

I came across a discussion post (you can read Wendy's post here) from a fellow blogger that got me thinking if writing a book is in the stars for me. A lot of things clicked after I read her post. 

The idea of writing a book is fantastical to me. It's like a mythical creature that I like to entertain the idea of sometimes but know will never really exist. I enjoy the act of writing. It's why I've written book reviews and discussion posts for the past 5+ years but I have one main hiccup in the book writing process: I, like Wendy, have no ideas. 

It's become a norm to see authors saying that their characters won't shut up and let them write another character's story and what not but I've never felt that way. Trying to come up with a story is like pulling teeth and to make it worse you've never been to dental school.

I've lost sleep trying to think up of twists and turns and who these so-called characters can be and what type of life they can lead but it's never something I want to write about. There's also that nagging little voice behind everything singing about how everything's been done before so why would I be the exception.

At this point, I wish there were possible book characters that wouldn't shut up in my head. It sounds like a fascinating experience that I would love to know more about.

Do you plan on writing and publishing a book?
If so, do the character's speak to you?
I'd love to know in the comments below!


  1. I've always wanted to write a book and I have some ideas but I can totally relate. I don't feel like I have the BIG idea that I want to run with, that I can make a book out of, you know? I'll have to go read that post but yes- I have definitely felt this way!

    1. At least you have some concrete ideas! It's a start. I have yet to get to that stage. I hope you eventually get that BIG idea and write a book :)

  2. I am just not a writer. I mean, I used to write technical documents, but I am not creative. That's why I love reading and appreciating the creators out there.

    1. That's totally fine too! I can totally understand how creative writing just isn't for some people :)


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