This tag was originally created by Jaded Reader. For more information about how this tag works and the questions for each personality type of the MBTI test please check the description of her video! I first saw this tag on It Starts At Midnight. It looked so fun so I decided I would do it too!
As janky as the history of the MBTI test is I still find it fun to read about. If you were looking for the story behind it 'Adam Ruins Everything' did a great segment on it (you can find that here). If you still want to take the MBTI test click here.
As for me, I've done the test a few times over the last few years and I've consistently gotten INTJ. That makes me one heck of an introvert who has constant conscious RBF and an extreme dislike of small talk. It also makes me one of the rarer types where women are concerned. So without farther ado:
Briggs Book Tag:
INTJ Edition
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Source: Personality Central |
You can be outgoing, but need to recharge with some calming solitude, Where is your favorite place to read & unwind? Why is this little oasis where you choose to go?
I don't have a favorite place to read. I prefer reading in my room in my house, but I can read anywhere as long as my tablet and phone are with me. There are no parks or green areas near enough to my house to be of walking distance (in the scorching heat that is Brazil) and even if there was I'm way too scared of getting robbed to go there with any kind of expensive technological device in hand.
Some books are meant to be understood and others are meant to be explored. What book or character stands for an idea that is deeply meaningful to you?

This is still the only self-help book that I've come across that is a no nonsense, tell it to you how it is no matter how harsh it may seem book. I mentioned in my review how it felt like I've found a kindred spirit in this book and its teachings. One thing that has stuck with me since I read this book is the theory that if you want it bad enough you will happily stand things that are "bad" or that are unpleasant that you are willing to deal in the long run to get to an end goal/dream.
Non-Fiction for some can seem tedious, but where would we be without the truths of our world? What book, text, or reading material have you found yourself referring to when in need of real world answers?
I may be an INTJ but that doesn't mean I enjoy reading non-fiction on a regular basis unless there's a point to it. If I have a question or want to deep dive something I always look to Google. You'll usually catch me researching things relating to the psychology of the human brain (which I find SO fascinating), slang words I hear in a Youtube video and need a definition for and a lot more. When I find something interesting I'll make it a point to know a lot about it and that's always how I've been.
All play and no work leads to chaotic disorder…and anarchy. How do you structure and balance your reading, booktube, and personal life to better use your time?
Not having a social life really opens up my schedule for reading! So to answer the question: I don't. I don't have a structure or balance. I get the things I need to get done as fast as humanly possible so I can watch an episode of a show I'm currently following and/or read a few chapters.
INTJ: The Masterminds
You’re not in it for the small talk, so let’s cut right to the chase, what book captures the idea of what it is to be human?

This book rings true for this question. As ironic as it may seem the main character of this book isn't human but I think her plait represents our society well. She's an innocent girl who was lied to and accepted a destiny without fully understanding what it would entail. The pressure everyone puts on her for perfection and poise is reminiscent of what society is today (without all the worshipping that happens in the story).
Have you taken the MBTI test?
What did you get?
Let me know in the comments below!
Let me know in the comments below!
Oh YAY I am glad you decided to do the tag, it is so fun! I LOVE the cover of Red Winter too- and you know, I tend to agree that authors can make fabulous points about humanity by using non-human characters. Like that time Patrick Ness personified a whale!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I came across it on your blog! The Red Winter Trilogy has such beautiful covers! I have no clue what you're talking about when you say Patrick Ness and whale in the same sentence. Is this one of those times where me having not read any american classics shows? :S
DeleteI should take this again, it's been a few years since I took one. I think I got an INF- something? If I remember right. I remember thinking it seemed pretty accurate. And I loved your answer under Judging. :) Right? I too believe in getting whatever it is done as soon as possible so I can get back to my show or book! What else is there lol?
ReplyDeleteYou're one of very few people who think that! Apparently it's "strange" and "weird" to speed through my obligations for me to have time to read an extra chapter when I'm done. If that isn't living then I don't know what is :)