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Friday, December 21, 2018

Book Tag: Naughty Or Nice

This tag was originally created by Jenniely. I first saw this tag on Paper Fury.

Let's see if I've been a Naughty Or Nice bookish person this year!

Received An ARC & Not Reviewed It -

I've taken a break from ARC's because a few years ago my anxiety was at an all-time high from piling up eARC's and life. It's been a few years since I've received an eARC (I think). I still have quite a few that I've never even touched. What's worse? I'm never in the mood to read them because I'm a mood reader. If I force myself to get through them the only thing that's going to come of that is a negative review that nobody deserves. Just writing this out is making me feel guilty!

Have Less Than 60% Feedback
Rating On Netgalley -

Remember when I said I stopped requesting eARC's? Well, a few months ago I went through my DNF list and updated my requests on Netgalley. It felt amazing!

Rated A Book On Goodreads & Promised
A Full Review... But Never Did It -

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think I've ever done this. If I do post something on Goodreads about a book that means that I've got a review written up and scheduled to go live within the next few weeks (when I will then update the Goodreads review with the full review).

Folded The Page Of A Book -

I've been against this kind of torture for years, but kid-me went ham on all the books by dog-earing them, writing IN PENCIL in them and bending covers to get a better hold on them. Kid-me was a menace to books! 

Accidentally Spilled Food On A Book -

Maybe this is weird to say but I can't concentrate on reading and eat at the same time. I'm already uncoordinated as it is. I'd be liable to accidentally scoop things off my plate if I had a good book in hand. A side note: I like clean and pristine books. My food/drink doesn't go anywhere near one of my books.

DNF'd A Book This Year -

I'm not ashamed to admit that I DNF books on a regular basis. I used to read any and all books through to the bitter end, but then I realized that life is too short to read a book that you don't like!

Bought A Book Purely Because It Was Pretty
With No Intention To Read It -

Yes. One million times yes. I'm a cover ho and I'm proud!
Who's with me?!

Read Instead Of Doing Something Important -

Of course! Though I usually try (and succeed at) speeding through anything that I can't push to another day first and then read. It's still working to this day!

Skim Read A Book -

When I'm invested in a book I've started to dislike but there's only a handful of chapters? You bet I'm going to skim through it like my life depends on it and write a ranty and respectful "review" to get it off my chest.

Failed Your Goodreads Goal -

I failed my 2014 and 2015 Goodreads goals. In 2014 I put down an unrealistic goal and that was my fault. In 2015 I failed because my life got turned on its head and it was hard putting myself in the headspace that I needed to be in to enjoy a book.

Broke A Book Buying Ban -

Impulse buy is my middle name!

Finished A Book But Didn't Add It To Goodreads -

I LOVE organizing the books I read on Goodreads! I love putting them into categories, rating them, informing people about them. I don't know how I organized my reading-life before I knew Goodreads was a thing!

Left A Review Too Long & Forgot The Book -

Totally done this! I've also done worse. I've read a book, wrote a review for that book (right after I read it) but when I picked up the sequel a few months later I had no idea or even a vague memory of reading said book. I still don't know how my brain accomplished that feat but here we are!

The Verdict -
Naughty: 9
Nice: 4


I guess I'm not as good of a bookish person as I thought I was!
That was eye-opening!

I won't be tagging anyone so feel free to do this tag & link your link below!


  1. I'm a mood reader too so I totally get that. I can't really MAKE myself read a book if I'm not in the mood for it. And yes kid- me haha- same! I was a lot rougher on books, let's put it that way! And I will totally skim if a book is dragging- I never used to but now... yeah I'll do it. :)

    1. Most kids are I'm guessing hahaha! Skimming is almost my middle name at this point :)

  2. If we are going by DNFs I am the naughtiest. I will easily abandon a book I am not enjoying. I think I found one or two "review to follow". Now I put something in for non-blog reviews immediately, so I won't forget.

    1. I've learned to easily abandon books as well! If I feel strongly enough about a book I know I won't be officially reviewing I also will write up something immediately :)

  3. I feel that first one. I have a bunch of old ARCs that I haven't gotten around to because of mood reading, and I feel bad, but forcing myself will just result in a bad review! Haha I keep my books pristine now, but kid/teen me was also hell on books. I also folded pages, broke spines, and wrote in pencil in them! I also can't read and eat. We have a lot in common lol.

    1. I swear mood reading will one day kill me! Writing a bad review for the sake of eliminating piled up ARC's isn't high on my priority list. Kid-me should have gotten a stern talking to on how to treat books well LOL! :)


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