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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Book Review: Simple Perfection By Abbi Glines


Simple Perfection
(Perfection #2)
By Abbi Glines

Published: September 23rd 2013

Woods had his perfect life mapped out for him. Rise up the ranks of the family business. Marry the rich girl of his parents’ dreams. Pretend that wealth and privilege was all he’d ever wanted. Then a girl named Della breezed into town, a beautifully imperfect stranger who captured his heart and opened his eyes to a new kind of future. Woods is ready and willing to sacrifice everything for her when the sudden death of his father leaves him with his mother to care for and a business to manage.

Della is determined to be strong for Woods, even as she’s quietly falling to pieces. No matter how far from home she’s run, the ghosts of her past have never stopped haunting her. Struggling to hide her true feelings from Woods, Della fears she can’t be his rock without dragging him down into the darkness with her. But is she strong enough to let go of the last thing holding her together?
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My Review:

Ever since the Too Far series, Abbi Glines has been one of those authors whose book I have to read. I don't even read the synopsis anymore because I know she's THAT GOOD. With that being said, this was a nice continuation to the series. I didn't really like a few aspects of it, but I can deal.

I really like how Della grew in this novel. It's really inspiring to read about (& I totally wish I could find a guy like Woods, but life hasn't thrown be a bone yet....-.-). I didn't like that her first response to everything was to leave Woods. You've been in a relationship for some time now and you still can't ask him what he was really talking about? You don't trust him enough to let him explain that it was all a very big misunderstanding? If the answer to that is no then you don't really have a relationship, do you?

Woods was amazing, kind, understanding, kind of overbearing at times and do I need to go on? I also liked how he showed his mother who's boss and how he dealt with Angelina after she finally almost killed Della. He also had a needy phase, which was just adorable to see. But what brought it on just made my heart hurt (for him and because my heart couldn't take it either...I just wasn't expecting that curveball at all). 

I learned something new about Mrs. Glines in this book and that something is: She isn't afraid of killing off her characters. Just answer me WHY Mrs. Glines! I would rather you have killed off the girl and have written 2 more spin-off series on each male involved to find them a "soul mate". Now I just hate the girl and will not be reading the books involving this character. It's all her(character's) fault, DAMN IT!  

I got so hung up on the rug being swept out from under me that I didn't even concentrate on the ending of the book. All I know is that it was a happy endingish kind of thing. But now I can not wait for the continuation of this book which will be Grant's story. I am really excited about that one!! 

My Favorite Quotes:

"Understand that if you make me choose, I will choose her without a second thought."

"I'm always on your side. You can push and shove - hell, you can even slap me - but I will still be here, ready to face the world with you."

"But it doesn't take away the fact I'm a man and I'm possessive of one thing. You."

My Rating:

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