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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Book Blitz: Authors Raising Autism Awareness (Week #3)

It's week three of LIFT: Authors Raising Autism Awareness!

April is Autism Awareness month, and the romance reading community is celebrating!

1 in 68 children is diagnosed with Autism every year, making it the fastest growing and one of the most prevalent developmental disabilities. Authors Ginger Scott and Kennedy Ryan have organized a MegaGiveaway called LIFT featuring more than 50 authors to raise awareness and acceptance! Each Monday in April, a new rafflecopter will go live, loaded with e-books, audio books, swag packs, signed paperbacks and gift cards from these amazing authors doing their part to LIFT4Autism.

(scroll down for this week's Rafflecopter!)

LIFT banner justifiedWeek 3 of LIFT doesn't let up!

LIFT tshirt

We have such incredible donations from amazing authors this week. If you missed the LIFT t-shirts, there's still a chance! Reserve yours in our "round two" LIFT order today! Don't be left out when we have LIFT selfie day!

This week's MegaGiveaway benefits The Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation.
Thank you to the generous authors donating!

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