Since I live so far out of reach from most of my favorite US authors, this 'series' on my blog will be few and far between, BUT sometimes I do luck out and find authors who are willing to send swag my way!!

Actually....Let me explain where I got all these books I'm talking about.
Well since January of this year I've been entering giveaways and most of them couldn't have the book sent directly to me. SO, I asked if a friend in the US could receive them for me and then forward them to me & MOST agreed C:
Thank God for that!
So I'm proud to present my latest batch of Books!!
(All book covers are linked to Goodreads)

I won a paperback copy of The Appeal of Evil By Pembroke Sinclair from the publisher!
Special Thanks to Wendy Logsdon from the Booktrope!!

I won an ARC copy of Night School (Night School #1)
By C.J. Daugherty from Skye over at her blog: Scribbler Skye!
Please go show her some love and check out her reviews!
They are awesome!
To Skye: Thanks for the book and the cute note that you put in with the book C:
I won an ARC copy of Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer
By Katie Alender from Valerie over at her Blog: Stuck In Books!
If you could also show her some love and check out her blog, I'd love you for it C:
To Valerie: Thanks for the book and awesome bookmark! I find your blog layout adorable and now I have a cute bookmark to stare at all day C:

I won a SIGNED copy of the new edition of Watchers in the Night (The Guardians of the Night #1) By Jenna Black from Jenna Black herself!
I haven't read this and I can't wait to start it! I loved her Morgan Kingsley Series and her Faeriewalker Series. I will read anything she writes C:
So the last two books I won were signed by the author, BUT I don't know who I won them from =/
I was never contacted by email and I didn't find my name on the rafflecopter Blog Tour Giveaway, which I participated in. There was also no specific name on the original envelope it came in. So all I can say is a
Thank You!!
to Mrs. L. U. Ann for sending me these and that I can't wait to read them C:
So the last two books I won were signed by the author, BUT I don't know who I won them from =/
I was never contacted by email and I didn't find my name on the rafflecopter Blog Tour Giveaway, which I participated in. There was also no specific name on the original envelope it came in. So all I can say is a
Thank You!!
to Mrs. L. U. Ann for sending me these and that I can't wait to read them C:
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On a COMPLETELY different note:
I won a Signed copy of Seven Years (Seven #1) By Dannika Dark from the author herself via a Giveaway on her FB Page C:
I totally recommend this series as a whole (even though only Books 1 & 2 are out) because I simply love her writing and I want a HEA for all the characters I've met in this series C:
Thanks Dannika Dark!! C:
The Book got to me all wrapped up
& felt like an early christmas present C:
....You can imagine my excitement on seeing this!
#BookSelfie #ChristmasPresent
The Book in all it's signed glory:
Bookmarks GALORE:
(P.S. All Signed)
-Cue Happy Dance-
Yet another book got here a few minutes ago!! AHH!!
This week is the week I received all the books I was waiting for C:
It's going to be a productive month ;]
So getting on with it, I won a signed copy of Chameleon (Supernaturals #1) By Kelly Oram a few weeks ago and a signed poster from the author herself!!
Thanks Again Kelly Oram!!
Thanks Again Kelly Oram!!
I'm so glad it got there. I hope you enjoy it and all your books.
ReplyDeleteValerie @ StuckInBooks