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Sunday, December 1, 2013

Top 25 Books of 2013: #25 After Daybreak (Darkness Before Dawn Trilogy #3) By J.A. London

Hiya Everyone!!

Starting today and ending on Christmas, I will be posting the Top 25 books I've read in 2013 that I have LOVED
It'll be one book per day until Christmas day C:
Happy Holidays Everyone!!


Book #25

After Daybreak 
(Darkness Before Dawn Trilogy #3) 
By J.A. London

Our last hope lies with our oldest enemies.

When we lost the war with the vampires, our world changed. The Old Family overlords trapped us in a few scattered cities and demanded our blood. Then Victor- the first vampire I've ever trusted, ever loved- came to power, and I hoped for peace between our kinds. Only now a new type of monster, Day Walkers, has emerged, and their maniacal leader is threatening to destroy us all, human and vampire alike.

The Old Family Council is stubborn and proud, unwilling to acknowledge the danger. But once I claim my birthright as the last living member of the Montgomery line, they will have to listen to me.

Neither fully human nor vampire, I am the bridge between both. Even if I'm not sure where I belong anymore, I know that the only way any of us will survive is if we stand together.

Available At:
| Amazon | B&N |

My Thoughts:

This was an amazing conclusion to a beautiful book! My only problem was that it ended. I loved the characters and they were consistent throughout the trilogy. I recommend this to anyone who wants to read a dystopian that doesn't involve love as a disease that needs to be cured because, let's face it, that's the level of creativity that most dystopian novels stopped at....unfortunately. 

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