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Friday, March 22, 2019

My Ramblings: Re-reading A Series While Awaiting The Next One

Re-reading A Series While
Awaiting The Next One 

If you had an unlimited amount of time available
would you re-read a whole book series while waiting
6 months to a year for the next book to come out? 

I would love to say one million times yes, but that wouldn't be the truth. I like re-reading but only a small percentage of the books I read would make my possible re-read list. There are quite a few series that I want to re-read after everything is released but I'm still keeping up with them as they release. 

I admire people who re-read whole series 5+ times and don't get sick or tired of it. I wish I could be one of those people because it would make reading slumps go away so much faster. 

Do you re-read a book or series often?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I don't reread at all, but my daughter and my sister used to reread all the previous books right before a new one came out. My daughter did this for almost all the Cassandra Clare books and my sister I know did it for the Harry Potter books. That's a LOT of reading.

    1. WOW! That's wild! I admire your daughter and your sister for doing that! That's SO much reading LOL


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