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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Hope I Find Under My Christmas Tree

Hiya My Little Predators!!

Welcome back to:
A weekly feature created By The Broke And The Bookish
Currently featured on That Artsy Reader Girl

Books I Hope I Find Under My Christmas Tree
(Or On My Kindle)

* Book titles linked to Goodreads.

A Sucky Love Story:
Overcoming Unhappily Ever After
By Brittani Louise Taylor

I've been on an autobiographical kick as of late. For someone who reads mostly UF and PNR this is very strange for me too. I'm interested in this one because I remember watching videos of Shane Dawson and Brittani a long time ago. I caught myself wondering what happened to her a few months ago and came across a video of her explaining how she legally couldn't make a video of what happened between her and this guy (her boyfriend or husband?), but she could write a book about it. So I'm curious enough to give it a chance!

The Darkest Star
(Origin #1)
By Jennifer L. Armentrout

This is one of those books I've been second-guessing. Every time I've gone to get it I've siked myself out of getting it. It seems like I've grown out of liking Jennifer Armentrout books because the last few I've picked up weren't really worth it for me. Now that I know there's a sequel in the works I'm even more apprehensive of getting this. So if I get gifted this I won't feel guilty if/probably when I dislike it when I eventually get to it.

The Boy and His Ribbon
By Pepper Winters

I've heard both good and bad things about this book but I'm still curious about it. This is yet another one of those when-I-go-to-get-it-I'm-too-apprehensive-and-pass-on-it books because this is rather dark and it's not everyday that I want to pick up a book that's dark. So when I see a shiny new fluffy release I prefer it over this. Every. Time. So far. So getting this as a gift would go a long way for my indecisiveness.

Wolf Rising
(SWAT: Special Wolf Alpha Team #8)
By Paige Tyler

This sounds so good! I don't think I've ever read a book that got an overused concept and turned it on its head just enough to be exciting (like this one seems to do). Even if I don't get this as a gift I'll probably end up getting it later on :)
What books do you want to find under the tree or on your kindle?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I am seeing a lot of memoirs today. It's not my thing, unless they are scientists, but I hope you get some of these books and love them.


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