Is It Just Me Or
Are Crossover Book Series Exciting?
I love it when authors end a series, but give the universe that they created more books. If I like a book series enough chances are I like the world that was created enough to be interested in all the other types of characters that would theoretically live in that world.
Authors that made this a reality, that come to mind, are Jeaniene Frost's 'Night Huntress' series and Dannika Dark's 'Mageri' series universe which encompasses most of her books. It gets even more interesting when you reread the stories because there are probably a few details that you didn't realize were nods to the other stories/characters.
It's probably nostalgia talking, but I find it so exciting. I wish more authors would do this. I've read books that had incredibly vast and well built universes, but after the series ended the world that was created died right along with it. I'm not an author and can only imagine the work that goes into coming up with and writing a story. So I can understand why it's not always possible and why other book obligations would get in the way. I just hope this becomes a fad in the future.
Do you like crossover book series?
Could this become a fad in the future?
Let me know in the comments below!
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