Hiya My Little Predators!!

Inspirational Quotes
I've been catching myself looking up "inspirational quotes" for the last few weeks and I really wanted to share a few of them with you guys. These quotes are quotes that helped me have a better outlook on life and the oh so self deprecating moments that everyone has every now and then about what's going on at any given moment in their life.
1. "Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it."
I imagine that fear plays a big role in everyone's lives. You have to get yourself accustomed to not overthinking every little thing you do. Reading this quote has helped me come to terms with that notion.
2. "Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion."
I'm a firm believer that if you put your mind, soul and energy into something that you can accomplish it. No matter what anyone has ever told you, if you persist at a specific goal, you can achieve it. because nothing is impossible.
3. "In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can."
This goes back to the first quote. The first step is all in your head. You can control what you think. You have a choice of putting yourself down or building yourself up.
4. "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will."
How many times have you heard someone say that they gave up on a life long dream because it was too "risky" or it just got too "hard"? I believe that if you really want something, that you can adjust your environment into pursuing that goal or dream. I'm not saying for you to drop everything and hope for the best. That's not it at all. I'm stating that if you really want it, you can MAKE time for it. You may be exhausted at the end of the day, but you will find it in yourself to dedicate however small a time to doing what you love. Trust me on this, because unfortunately I have been there.
5. "Sometimes in life the thing we want the most isn't what we're looking for."
We also need to come to the conclusion that maybe our goal or dream just isn't all that we've imagined it'd be if it actually happened. I know it seems counterintuitive from the last four quotes, but bare with me. I don't know about you, but I like to believe in destiny. Things always happen for a reason. What if the right place for you is the place you're in right now? Think about it. What if everything you've been looking for is already surrounding you and you just never looked at it too closely or realized it was there because you're blinded by the goal or "dream" you've set your mind on for such a long time?
I also found an amazing video called "Everybody Dies, But Not Everybody Lives" By Neste. It's a spoken word poem and I'd recommend you watching it even if you don't necessarily enjoy poems because the message in between the lines is incredible.
*The title of the video is linked to Youtube where the video is posted.
*The company name is linked to its website.
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