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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Book Review/Blitz: Ace By Lyra Parish

(Band Of Brothers #1)
By Lyra Parish

My name is Ace and I'm the Ace of Spades.
I'm not nice and I misbehave.
I will be your nightmare.
I will be your dream.
I will have you begging for more of me with each scream.

The truth is in my lyrics.
Uncontrollably controlled.
I bleed many things one being Rock & Roll.

I don't date or make love, being with me is hard.
Did you know the ace of spades is considered the death card?
Love doesn't exist in my world, it never did.
Love won't exist in my world, it's something I forbid.

My name is Ace and I'm the ace of spades.
Proceed with caution, because I'm sharp like a blade.

The Band of Brothers novels are full length and will follow each brother in the band. They can be read together or separately.
Available At:
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My Review:

*I received an eARC from the author.

I was going into this book mentally prepared to face an a**hole of epic proportions that would somewhat evolve around 60% into the storyline so he could have a chance at finding Mrs. Forever. I can say I haven't been more wrong in my life and I'm very grateful for that.

Ace turned out to be a very gentle, sweet and charismatic guy. His douche phase only lasted as far as the third chapter. After that was over, there was witty conversations and amazing getaways with his crush. There was also a bit of drama towards the end, but you'll live.

Elizabeth was cute and could be very headstrong in some situations, but didn't have a backbone. I still don't think she has one, even with the ending. I hated that she just sat there and took what Jack was telling her to do. I do understand that the situation got resolved, but I would have liked it better if it wasn't electronically. What happened to the satisfaction of looking into someone's eyes and denying them what they so desperately want?

I enjoyed this novel very much. I can't wait for the next book in this series to release. I have an inkling of who the second book is going to be about and I'm very curious about what's going to happen next.

My Favorite Quotes:

"This ain't no fairy tale. It was never meant to be. Prince Charming is really a nightmare."

"Love is an emotion that runs deep. It can warm a person at night or freeze them to the core. Love can be kind or it can be destructive."

"People often say money can't buy happiness, and believe me when I say that's true. Happiness was something that came from within."

My Rating:


About The Author:

Lyra Parish loves to write, glamp, and sing obnoxiously loud at the top of her lungs in the shower. Sweet love stories (along with the dirty ones) make her gush. She is a firm believer that a person can never have too many cups of coffee, cats, or happily ever afters. When she isn't busy writing, she can be found sipping various beverages from her non-alcoholic drink buffet, pimp slapping excel spreadsheets, or riding her bike. Lyra lives in Texas with her glassblowing, guitar-playing hubby and black cat named Nibbler.
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