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Friday, March 20, 2015

My Ramblings: That Moment When...

Hiya My Little Predators!!

That Moment When...
The Story In Your Head Is Better Then The Book

Have you ever built up so much expectation for a book releasing soon that when you finally had it in your hands and started to read it, that it just didn't live up to what you were expecting and because of that you ended up hating the series as a whole? If so, WELCOME TO MY WORLD!

This, unfortunately, has happened to me on various occasions over the years and because of it A LOT of book series (and even TV Series) has gone unread (unwatched). It's annoying when I'm scrolling through Goodreads and see a blog that I follow gush about insert series name here and I start thinking back and asking myself why couldn't I finish that insert swear word here series. It must be awesome if this blogger is talking so highly about it. 

  • Chicagoland Vampires Series By Chloe Neill

I stopped at Book #4 because of the damn cliffhanger it ended with.  The wait for the next book was actually short (6 months) considering I've waited more then a year for a sequel and loved it in other series. What caused me to simply cease to read this series was my own psyche. I ended up building a whole other story in my head so when I finally got the book and sat down to read it, I kept trying to match what was happening in the book with the (to me) "awesome" plot line I had thought up. So in conclusion: I hated the book. 
  • Wolf Springs Chronicles By Nancy Holder & Debbie ViguiĆ©
I remember reading this book and loving it. It ended on an open ended note, but it didn't really bother me. I read this thinking it was a standalone, so I walked in assuming that that was that and moved on. A few months later (8 months actually) I discovered that a sequel would be released. The problem: I didn't remember anything from the first book. When I picked up Book #2, I hadn't the vaguest idea who was who and what the drama was all about. If I were to pick this series up again I'd have to get through Book #1 all over again. 
  • Fallen Star Series By Jessica Sorenson 
This "Series" started off originally as a trilogy, which was amazing. I did end up finishing it and remember loving it. After a few months the author decided to add onto it and continue with the story even after her previous announcement that it would stop there. I ended up reading Book #1 in the spin-off and thought it was OK. I picked up Book #2 in the spin-off and stopped a few chapters in. I felt like these character's didn't need all this extra suffering because of the awesome note the series ended on in the original trilogy. Even after all that, there's even a New Adult version of the original trilogy, which I didn't even pick up because I didn't want to take the character's that I grew up with and adored to be put in a time that (to me) simply wasn't meant to be. 

Are you guilty of this as well? Which series have you left unread?
Tell me in the comments below! C:

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