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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Monthly Wrap-Up: June 2018


June wasn't a very good reading month for me. Though where TV shows and movies are concerned things went spectacularly! I watched quite a few movies that I've been meaning to watch for the last few months and I played catch up with a few TV shows. It was mostly The Originals, which got SO good in the span of 4 episodes I forgot why I put it to the side in the first place. I also started Reverie (which seems promising) and the third season of Shades Of Blue started with a bang and I'm hooked all over again! 

Books I Read & Listened To In June

  • Do You Like My Wiener? By Brenda Rothert - This book, in essence, was a rather big article on how to be in a relationship and/or online date with common sense and safety. I was expecting so much more than that based on the synopsis.
  • The Night Realm (Spell Weaver #1) By Annette Marie - This novel felt different from all the other novels I've read by this author which I was particularly strange considering how this is a prequel series to her Steel & Stone series (which I adored). Unfortunately, this novel didn't win me over like I was expecting it to.

  • Tangled: The Series #1 & #2 By Scott Peterson - I adored the Tangled movie, so for it to also have a graphic novel series with events that happen after the movie is so adorable! It's a very short read. The drawing style is beautiful and the transitions in between dialogues and character point of views are done very creatively!
Books I Can't Wait To Get My Hands On In July
* Book titles are linked to Goodreads.


| Four Day Fling |

Possibly Releasing In July

| Ignite |

This author has a tendency to announce and pull books like I've never seen before. So even though a release date (and pre-order) was announced a few weeks/months(?) ago it doesn't seem likely this will be released in July, but I would still love to read it when/if it ever releases.

Here's What Happened On This Blog In June

I rambled on about the following topics:

I reviewed the following books & audio books:

I participated in the Top Ten Tuesday Meme:

Awesome Posts I Came Across In June

What books are you looking forward to reading this month?
Let me know in the comments below!

Mikky Sig 2


  1. I abandoned The Originals like 2 seasons ago. I pretty much gave up on a lot of TV though.

    1. I loved the Vampire Diaries so The Originals still holds some appeal. This season is going great so far. I think it's because they have less episodes to fill so a lot of things are happening faster and with less drama. It's also the last season of the series so I'd rather just watch it 'til the end. I've come this far might as well finish it :)


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