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Friday, June 22, 2018

My Ramblings: Reviewing In A Timely Manner

Reviewing In A Timely Manner

I discovered early on in my blogging journey that if I finish a book and don't write the review within a few days it will never get written. That sounds extreme, I know. The reason behind that is that after that period of time I start to forget what the book made me feel and therefore have nothing to say about the book other than if it was "Great!" or "Not for me.". 

The more emotionally connected I am to the characters of a book the easier my review flows out. If I have to sit and think too hard to write a review I start second guessing myself because that usually means A) I'm fangirling too much inside my own head and can't put words on a screen or B) The book wasn't that good and I'm trying to make it out to be something else entirely.

In conclusion, my reviews need to be written in a timely manner, if it doesn't then the review will suffer/not exist and I'll feel guilty for not feeling as strongly as I think I should for the novel. That'll also bring up my anxiety and I already have enough of that to last a few lifetimes.

Do you have a window of time in which your reviews NEED to be written up?
Does guilt set in when you don't write a review for a book you finished a while ago?
Let me know in the comments below!


  1. My best reviews are written shortly after I finish the book as well. My reasons are similar to your reasons. The story is still fresh in my mind, and I am kind of still basking in the feels. That connection to my emotions keep my review from being to clinical, and I think, makes them more interesting. Also, if I don't do it right away, they start to pile up, and will probably never get written.

    1. Piled up book reviews that have yet to be written is a nightmare! Good to know I'm not alone :)


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